Chapter 18

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Claira's P.O.V
An hour and a half later
Curling the wig that I had brought in case I decided to wear it, took forever and same with the makeup. I now have 5 minutes to the date, and I am not dressed.

"Hurry up!" I can hear Maddie yell from outside my door. "Jacob said he's on his way."

I quickly throw on the light jeans and peach colored tank top along with converses to match. Luckily, the outfit looks good with the bouncy curls.

To my surprise, the wig looks like my natural hair. I didn't think it would, as I hardly even looked in the mirror when I was trying it on in the store when I spontaneously decided to buy one a few weeks ago.

"Okay, I'm ready!" I yell out to Maddie and open the door. Right at that moment, Tessa comes barging into Maddie's hotel room looking for me, irritation visible on her face.

"Sorry," is all I say, before she even speaks a word.

"Your lucky you're like a sister to me, or else I would rip you apart for this. I don't even care that you took my clothes because you had a good cause, but the fact that you trashed my organized suitcase pisses me off," she grumbled.

"I'm just going to take the compliment about you saying i'm like a sister, and i'm going to leave," I say, slowly backing away to the door.

Right as I reach it, there's a knock and I open it. Jacob stands there, in a  light jean jacket and i can see the white shirt underneath. He also wears pair of light washed jeans.

"Oh wow, Claira. I probably should have dressed up more. I honestly didn't know what to wear. This may or may not be my first date. Ever." I smile and laugh.

"Your fine Jake. Personally, I think you look great."

"Eck. Love," Tessa says in disgust.

"You're in a relationship," Jacob and I say at the same time. I blush, and so does he. Tessa just shrugs and walks away with Maddie.

"You ready?" He asks, and I nod. He takes my hand, and looks at me, as if he's asking me if this is okay. I nod again and lay my head on his shoulder as we walk down the hall. We pass Laken and Drew who I assume are going to hang out with Tessa and Maddie.

"Ew. Love," Laken the says, as he passes us. I roll my eyes.

"You're in a relationship," Kacob and I tell him as they continue to walk.

"Tessa and Laken are literally perfect for eachother. I want meet someone like that."

"You will. It just takes time. And who knows maybe you've already met him," he says smirking.

"You really do like me, don't you?"

"That I do. Did I mention that you look beautiful." I blush and he laughs.

"No you didn't."

"Well you do."

"Thank you," I manage to squeak out, unsure of what else to say. We walk out of the hotel and out to the car. "So, where we headed?" I ask.

"Well if you'd really like to know, we are headed to a picnic at the beach." I smile and find it crazy that he remembers the beach is one of my favorite places.

"You remembered?"

"That I did."

"And you say i'm amazing."

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