Chapter 58

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30 minutes later- also the date is April 3rd

7:46 PM
"What are your parents say?"

"Dad will call me a hoe. Or whore. Or skank. Or-"

"I'll fucking beat him."

Gosh, i missed his overprotectiveness. Especially when it comes to my dad.

"And my mom would say- well i don't know. I haven't said anything to her."

"Wonderful. This should be fun then."

"I'm scared."

"It'll be all right." He sets his hand on my back as I grab my keys and open the door.

Walking into the door, my lol greets me and Jacob, first confused then smiling.

"Jacob. Nice to see you."

"Nice to see you took, Julie." He shakes her hand and mom looks at me.

"Can we talk for a moment, Claire."

Looking at Jacob wearily, he tells me I should. "Sure."

Her and i walk to my room. And sit on my bed both in silence till my mom speaks up.

"Where'd Easton go?"

"He left me."


"Well he didn't really leave me. We jsut agreed itd be better off if we weren't together."

"But he's the father off the baby."

"Yeah, no he's not."

"What do you mean."

"Jacob's the father. I know. I was surprised too. And pissed but not. He and I had sex right before Easton and I went out."

"When you guys were half broke up half not."

"It was complicated. But now here we are. I've fucked up my life. As if couldn't get worse."

"Hey no. Stop. It's fine. Everything will be fine. You can still go tp college and be a doctor liek you want."

And here's where my impulsive ass kicks in.

"What if I don't really wanna be a doctor."

"What do you mean."

"What if I told you I wanted to be a actress and singer. What if I told you I have since I was 13 and got convinced into wanton to be a doctor."

"I'd believe you."

"Would you be mad or disappointed."

"Absolutely not."



"Well then. I want to be an actress and singer."

"If that's what you want, that's what you ca have. I'm all for it."

"Okay. Now we should go back downstairs. Jakes waiting."

Walking back downstairs I grab Jacob's hand and lead him up to my room. Leaving the door open, I sit on my bed crossing my legs and he sits on the floor laying down looking  at the celieng and throwing dice with i assume he had in his pocket.

"I'm tired."

"So sleep."

"I will."


I lay down and get under the blankets. But I still can't sleep.

I need him to lay with me.



"I know this is ridiculous, but will you lay with me."

Hesitant, he nods. "Of course."

"Thank you." He lays down on the bed wrapping his arm over me.

"Are you okay?"

"I don't know. I think i'm confused."

"Over what."


"Feelings for what."

"I don't think I ever really liked Easton enough. I think i've always liked you more. I think- it's always been you."

He's silent until he's not. "I know it's always been you. But this is tough right now and we're a mess. I'm not sure a relationship, having jsut gotten out one, is exactly what you need."

"What if it's what I want."

"I think you decide things to quickly. You're too impulsive and fall for soemone and forgive to quickly."

"I didn't fall in love with you again. I've always been in love with you. I never quit."

"I'm talking about Easton."

"Does that mean you'll be with me."

He sighs. "Yes Claira. I'll be you're boyfriend."

"Do you want to be my boyfriend, though?"

"Obviously. I've wanted to since we broke up."

Well good." A moment of silence. "Jacob."


"I don't forgive to too quickly. Im jsut so in love with you that Ic and stay mad at you."



"I love you."



"I love you too."
okay i know this is a short chapter but i'm exhausted and have writers block so deal with it. Also i've given so many plit twist i think i've confused myself.

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