Chapter 53

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I knock on the door and a few second later it opens, revealing a smiling, and energetic Easton.

"How many cups of coffee have you had today?"


"Holy cow."

"I know."

"So what do you want to do?"

"I don't know," he says grabbing my hand and snaking his arm around my waist, so we're standing on the middle of the kitchen, inches away from each others faces, facing each other. I flinch, and struggle for a second, but remind myself i'm safe. "Did you purposely dress like this?"


"You look pretty."

"Don't I always?" He rolls my eyes at my remark and I smile.

"How was your day?" I ask, ask he pulls my arm leading me up the stairs to his bedroom room.

"It was decent. I was tired so I drank a bajillion pounds of caffeine. Now i'm energetic and could be awake all night.

"When are you parents going to be home?"

"I can text and ask. Why?"

"Can I stay here?"


"Even if your parents get here?"

"They'll never know. House has too many rooms and they don't care very much."

"You sure?"

"Absolutely. Why do you need tot stay here though?"

"Jacob's a dick. And I snuck out."

"Why'd he a dick? And why's you have to sneak out?"

"Well Isabelle told me I couldn't go so I snuck out."

"You didn't have to come here if you weren't allowed. If you would've told me I would have told you to stay home."

"Exactly why I didn't."

"Back to the other topic. Why's he a dick?"

"He called me a hoe. And whore."

"He did?!?"


"I'll fucking kick his fucking ass. Why the fuck would he call you either of those. Should have told him to suck it."

" True. I should've. But watch your language."

"Are you okay, Claire?" he ask, giving me a big hug.

"Yeah. Just kind of stung. Like I didn't expect he'd ever say something like that."

"Honestly me either, Claire. Jakes always been a brother to me."


"Anyways, what do you want to do?"

"Can we watch a movie?"

"Sure. What movie?"

"Kissing booth? Have you seen it?"

"Nope but we can try it."

2 hours later as movie ends.

At this point as the movie ends, my head lays on Easton's lap, and has his arm and a blanket wrapped around me.

"Are you done with movie, babe?"

"Yeha. But i'm not quite ready to fall asleep yet."

"You don't have to. Also, my parents won't be home till— 2pm tomorrow."

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