Chapter 9

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Chapter 8.

Claire's POV

2 days later.

3:24 PM

"That's a lot to process," I respond as Cash tells me about how I almost died.

I heard what he said when I was comatose. I could hear everything he said. And it amazed me. Because I've had a secret crush on him for longer than I can remember.

"Yeah, well a lot happened." He pauses for a moment looking down at his feet.

"I love you too." I finally work up the courage to say it. It's crazy how I can say that. I don't understand how I fell in love with someone I wasn'teven dating. But I did.

He smiles his toothy grin.

"You do."


"Wonderful. Now I can do this." He walks up to me, takes my face in his hands, and kisses my cheek.

I blush hard, and see Jacob standing in the doorway behind him. He looks disorientated. He walks back out of the room.

"Cash do you know if I had any brain damage?" I ask.

"Not that we no of, no."

"Perfect." I try to lift up my leg a bit. I do the same with the other.

Cash helps me as I stand up, grabbing on to the bed for balance.

"I got it. I can walk myself." I start to walk and stumble. "I don't got it. Please help me before I break myself." He chuckles and grabs my hands, leading me out of the room. I blush as he smiles. We walk out to the waiting room and all of the guys stand up.

"Claire!" Hudson yells running at me. He runs into me to hug me but I fall to the ground.

"Hi Hudson!" I respond and hold out my hand for Cash to help me up, and he does.



Isabelle walks into the room and smiles at the sight of me.

"It's been two days and you're already up and about." I roll my eyes and laugh.

"I feel much better," I say, slurring my words and getting irritated at myself about it. Besides my slurred speech, everything is normal, and I feel amazing.

"Don't beat yourself up Claire. It could have been much worse," Jacob pipes in causing me to smile. We've hardly talked much lately.

"I'm not. Anyways, do you guys know when i can get out of here. It's very boring."

"You act like a person that didn't say hello to death," Jacob scoffs, not taking his eyes off his phone.

"Whatever. You're just angry that you didn't get the experience and adrenaline rush," I joke. I don't remember anything, just darkness, and a couple of dreams. I'm certain I was never dead, nor met death.

"Claire stop joking about this. It's not funny!" he yells, standing up. We all just stare at him. "I'm going to get food," he murmurs. I look at Mason and he knows what I'm thinking.

"I'll be right back." I wriggle out of Cash's arms.

"You're gonna fall."

"I'll live."

I spot Jacob as I run down the hall. Right as he spots me, I fall and smash my face on the ground.

"Fuck. That hurt." He rolls his eyes and helps me up.

"Claira!" I hear a voice yell from the other end of the hallway. It's Cash. He arrives down here. "You okay?"

"She's fine," Jacob mutters and lets me go, heading back to the cafeteria.

"He's grumpy," Cash says.

"That's normal."

"Anyways, I have a question."


"Will you be my girlfriend?" he asks. I drop my jaw.

"I-um-yeah ...yeah."

"Yes!" he yells, and wraps an arm around me. Then realization hits me.

"Cash, you live over 2000 miles away."

"Not anymore I don't. I moved in with my aunt. Surprise!"

"For me? You moved for me?"


"You're insane."

"Do you want me to move back?"

"No, absolutely not. I just can't believe you would do that."

"When your best-friend who is also your girlfriend has Leukemia, you kind of want to be there for her."

"You're amazing."

"I know." I laugh. We walk into the room and Mason's eyes go wide while Lakens jaw drops. Connor is laughing at the hysterical look on
Lakens face. I stifle a laugh. Did Laken like me?

"Better luck next time," Cash whispers to Laken as he passes him and Lakens face go's red. Apparently he does like me. I raise my eyebrows at Cash.

"You're stupid, aren't you?" He cocks his head to the side. "He's gonna beat your ass for saying that. According to him, he's better than everyone." Lake chuckles.

"You just wish you were this sexy" he says, tipping his head to make the sunglasses fall onto his eyes and then getting up and model walking around the waiting room. It actually looked pretty sick.

"Laken sit down. Everyone is staring. And why the fuck do you have sunglasses?" I ask.

"Because they make me look hot. Not that I need any help with that."

"You wish." He gasps.

"How dare you!" he yells and starts chasing me around the waiting room. Eventually, I get tired and can't breath so I sink down the floor, wheezing.

"Claire!" Laken yells, running over to me along with Cash. I cough a few moe times then stop.

"I'm fine. Chill. I just need to lie down."

"Okay, do you need help getting up?"

"Yes, please." I hold out my hands and each boy grabs my hand, pulling me up. "Thanks." I brush myself off and head back to the hospital room.


Sorry sort of a short chapter but it was just kind of a filler chapter! Thank you for reading.


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QOTC: What's your favorite subject?

AOTC: Stem or Math!

-Sav <3

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