Chapter 6

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A/N: So I decided to fast forward about a month and her chemotherapy has started. Laken and Drew have become her best friends and Avery is also her best friend. Jacob and Claire have a love hate relationship and are rude to eachother but in a loving way. Besides when the joke around with eachother and make fun of one another, they hardly talk. Claire is Hudson's favorite and Spencer's and Claire haven't met yet but are meeting tonight. Okay, authors note over. Proceed :)

Claire's P.O.V.
5:43 P.M.

I look into the mirror and my fragile figure. The chemotherapy has helped tremendously, and I can tell because I feel much stronger and better, but I can still see frail I am. I'm still pale, but not as much. My body is definitely skinnier. Not dangerously skinny, or sickly skinny but it's much smaller than before. I can see my abs now, and my legs and arms are like twigs, because I've lost a lot of muscle from not being able to exercise as much. I get too tired too easily to exercise.

I get ready for dinner putting on a white tank top, with a pair of peach shorts to make me look tan-ish. I walk over to the small mirror with shelves next to it and grab the hair brush.

I start brushing my hair and I put it up on a ponytail. As I go to set the brush down I notice something. My heart immediately drops and tears have already reached my eyes.

The chemo is causing my hair to fall out.

I'm interrupted as I hear my phone go off. I want expecting any calls so I go i go over to look at it. I have 40 minutes until dinner with every single one of the Hart boys. We're going out to dinner at some fancy restaurant that I don't know how to say.

With tears still in my eyes I pick up my phone and see that the caller I.D. reads Cash. My only friend that didn't leave me when they found out about my parents. Also my ride or die in a friendship kind of way. I could never date him. We've been bestiaries since we were 2. We haven't talked since I moved because we've both been busy.

"Claire!" he exclaims when I answer the FaceTime call, pointing the camera up to the ceiling so he can see the mascara stains on my face. "Claire, why aren't you showing me your face? Come on I want to see you!"

"I-um, just need to do something real quick." He looks skeptical as I quickly rush over to my desk and wipe my face with a make up wipe and put my hair up, not looking at the hairbrush unable to take in the sight of the fallen hair.

I can already feel my thick hair, thin as ever, and see it too. When I first had this my hair didn't fall out at all. Hopefully, he won't notice.

"Okay done." I point the camera at my face and he smiles, the frowns.

"You okay?" he asks. I bite my lip.

"Yes. Great," I lie. He can tell, and I know he can by the time of my voice, and how i'm hitting my lip. I only do that when i'm nervous or lying.

"You sit on a throne of lies," he accuses and laughs. I laugh along with him. The line is from one of our favorite movies. "But in all seriousness Claire, what's going on? Are the boys treating you rudely?"

"No. And by the way, I'm living with 6 other boys besides Mason." His jaw drops.

"Holy shit. Anyways, don't do that thing where you change the subject and expect me to forgot. It didn't work. Never has, never will." Damn it.

"If I tell you, you have to promise you'll keep completely calm and won't freak out?"

"No can do, but continue."

"Remember the headaches K started getting a few months ago? And how I kept getting dizzy spells?" He nods. So oblivious but so am I obviously since I didn't realize what it was.

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