Chapter 14 - Niall Horan

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Chapter 14 – Niall Horan

“Niall?” A voice said, sounding from the distance.


“NIALL!!” The person yelled.

Now someone also started to shake me. I opened my eyes and looked up to Liam’s smiling face, beaming brightly down at me. “What happened?” I groaned while I rubbed my head with my thumb.

Liam rolled his eyes and helped me to a sitting position. “You fainted,” he stated the oblivious.

I rolled my eyes, “Thank you for stating the oblivious, Sherlock Holmes.” I muttered making Liam lightly chuckle. “I mean, what happened when I was out?” I added, looking at Liam with a raised eyebrow.

His mouth made an ‘o’ shape. “You were out for nearly half an hour. When you fainted, I carried you to the couch in the living room,” I looked around and noticed I was indeed lying on a couch in what I presume to be Louis and Eleanor’s living room. And that was when I also remembered Liam’s wounds.

I slightly paled. “Oh gosh… I’m so sorry Liam, are you alright?” I quickly asked, stroking his jawline with my thumb. He slightly smiled and leaned into my touch. “Don’t worry about me, I’m fine.” He replied.

I nodded, feeling relieved. “What about baby Tommo?” I said, chuckling about the nickname. Liam smiled and shook his head. “They are fine and perfectly healthy; the first was born seven minutes ago and the other two minutes after that.” He said with sparkling eyes. “I was by Louis’ side when they were born, he was a nervous wreck, didn’t expect to get twins. I came down here after they were born, to give the new family some alone time.” He informed me.

My eyes slightly widened. “Two? It are twins?” I gaped.

Liam nodded. “A boy and a girl.”

“Come on, you have to see them! Cutest things you’ll ever see!” He said and dragged me up from the couch. I just laughed and followed Liam back upstairs. Liam opened the door and we stepped inside, a smile automatically found its way on my face when I saw the sight in front of me.

Louis and Eleanor were both sat on the bed. Eleanor was asleep with her head on Louis’ shoulder and Louis’ full attention was on the bundles in his arms. His eyes swept from one to the other in complete awe and admiration. He looked up when he heard the door close and he gave us a bright smile, becoming for us to come closer.

I took a step closer, and another one, until I was standing right next to the bed. My eyes never left the two bundles in Louis’ arms. I slightly bended forward to get a closer look of the small girl in the pure white blankets, storm blue eyes looked curiously back at me. I couldn’t help but let an ‘awe’ slip, I couldn’t help myself, she was adorable. She put one of her minuscule hands up in the air, making grapping motions towards me. Carefully, I moved my own hand to her and I watched how her whole hand wrapped around my pinkie, a wide grin splitting my face.

I looked up at Louis, “She’s beautiful,” I commented and Louis nodded in agreement, giving his daughter a kiss on the head, her mouth dropped open when he did so and she looked at Louis wide-eyed. In the corner of my eye I could see Liam walking to the other side of the bed, peering down at the boy with a soft smile.

“Do you want to hold her?” Louis asked me.

I gulped. “I don’t know… I never held a baby before… what if I drop her?!” I asked anxiously, looking down at the little girl, who looked around with wide and innocent eyes, before settling one me.

Louis rolled his eyes and carefully held her out to me with the arm he was holding her with; as on instinct, the arm that was holding the boy bought him closer to his chest. I held my arms out and let Louis put her in my outstretched arms, he gently instructed me how to hold her and I made sure to follow his instructions.

I bought her closer to me, as to prevent her from falling and I looked down at the small creature in awe. She is so small… I could vaguely feel Liam watching me, but I decided to ignore it. I watched how her hand went to my face, petting my jaw and I chuckled in amusement, seeing the baby completely absorbed with my face.

I looked back at Louis to see him wrapping his now free arms around Eleanor, to bring the sleeping girl closer to his side. Giving birth must have exhausted her. “What are their names?” I asked Louis.

He looked up at me. “That is Zara Jade Tomlinson,” he said with a nod to the girl. “And this is James Liam Tomlinson, the eldest.” He added with a nod to his sleeping son.

Both mine and Liam’s eyes widened upon hearing that. “You… named your son after me?” Liam said wide-eyed.

Louis nodded with a small smile. “Yeah, it was something me and El agreed on. That we would name our first-born after you. You’re my best friend after all,” He rambled. Liam smiled gratefully at Louis, seemingly lost at words.

“What about Zara? Where did her name came from?” I asked, smiling down at the girl, pulling a face at her making her giggle adorably.

“Zayn. Because he’s your best friend,” Louis whispered, glancing at Liam, as if he was afraid for his reaction. Liam just smiled back, reassuring him.

“Thank you,” I whispered and Louis nodded.

I walked over to Liam’s side, holding Zara close to me. Momentary, I smiled at Liam, before I looked down at James, who was sleeping peacefully. I couldn’t see his eyes, but I assumed they were just as blue as Louis’ and Zara’s.

Zara whined and Louis jerked up, I quickly hander her back to him and I watched how he cooed to her until she stopped whining. I moved my mouth to Liam’s ear and my breath made him shiver, I slightly smirked before I huskily spoke. “You’re right, they are adorable.”

“Hush, they are all asleep.” Louis whispered. I looked towards the Tomlinson family to see that Zara also had fallen asleep. Louis was the only one who was still awake, his ocean blue eyes looking at Liam and me. 

I watched the small family for a while with a smile on my face. Louis held his twins close to his body and he gently placed his head on top of El’s, kissing her head before closing his own eyes, a happy smile on his face.

Liam literally had to tug me out of the room, but before I completely left the room, I turned around and said. “You will be a good father Lou, don’t worry.” Louis’ eyes opened and he gave me a grateful smile before Liam managed, to successfully pull me out of the room.

“Leave them be, you goofball.” He chuckled at me, pecking my nose. I blinked in surprise and grinned back.

“Oh, shut up! Liam Payne in the arse!” I mocked before strutting away.

I could hear Liam laughing when he followed me and I grinned to myself.

And this was the next chappie of Enemies :P Sorry if it was a bit boring, I mostly wanted to focus this chapter on Louis' kids (James Liam and Zara Jade Tomlinson) At the beginning of the stories I was depating on making the baby a boy or a girl and a while back I was like... 'Fuck this, I make them twins' So here they are! :D

What do you think of James and Zara so far? Louis naming James after Liam and Zara after Zayn, thoughts on that? Louis having twins? Niall holding Zara? Predictions?

The next chapter is going to be in Zayn's pov; to show how he, Harry and Leah are doing. I have a plot twist planned out (laughs evily) that will play an important part on the series. What do you think that plot twist will be?

And when I have posted that chappie, I will also post the first chapter of 'Tale of the Werewolf King' Keep your eyes open ;)

What do you guys think of the new cover btw? Like or no?

Next goal for earlier update: 10K reads, 450 votes and 400 comments on the whole book :) Good luck

- Jack the Irish leprechaun

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