Chapter 25 - Louis Tomlinson

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Chapter 25 - Louis Tomlinson

 "I feel funny," Zayn said with a chuckle, swaying from side to side. I raised my eyebrows at the raven-haired lad and watched on in amusement how he walked against a tree, "Oh, I'm terribly sorry ma'am, I didn't saw you," he apologized to the tree, lazily bowing before continuing to sway on his place.

"Did he just... walked against a tree and apologized to it?" Harry asked in bewilderment.

"Yup, he did," I said popping the 'p'.

"Come on, Zayn, we have to go," I said, gently pushing his shoulders.

He turned around and lazily smiled at me, "Mummy? Is that you?" He hiccupped, my eyes widened in surprise. "No, it's me,Louis Tomlinson, not your mother. What the hell happened to you?" I asked.

"I just saw the light!" He yelled, spreading his arms wide and falling backwards in the grass where he started to hug a bunch of colourful flowers.

"Harry, help me with him, will you?" I said, but Harry didn't replied.

When I turned around to look at the King of the Werewolves I found him staring at something with drool dripping down his chin. I raised my eyebrows at him, walked towards him and started to wave my hands in front of his face.

"Hello-o-o! Earth to Harry! Is there someone?" I said to him, gently knocking him on his head.

I turned to see where he was looking at and saw nothing out of the ordinary, "Where are you looking at?" I tried again.

Harry pointed at the sky, "Look!" He yelled like an overly energetic child.

"I see nothing?" I said, seeing nothing abnormal.

"The sky is blue! Since when is the sky blue?" Harry asked, looking up at the sky in awe.

"The sky always was blue, H," I informed him. Harry looked at me wide-eyed for a while, before focusing back at the 'abnormally' blue sky.

I looked at Zayn who was playing with leaves and singing a song about trees and flowers, to Harry who started to ramble about purple spotted flying squirrels he needed to catch.

"What the hell is going on here?" I mumbled to myself.

"YO, GUYS!!" I yelled, messing up their hair, "we need to warn the packs and stop Luke and his demons! We don't have time for whatever you two are doing!" I yelled at them in frustration.

Zayn just gave me a not-understanding look, before going back to his leaves. And Harry just continued to stare at me dumbly.

"Harry, you are the King of the Werewolves! People need you!" I told the green-eyed lad, shaking him by his shoulders.

Harry just started to giggle and I let go of him, making him fall back in the grass where he acted like he just died. And I guess it's safe to say that Harry Styles is a terrible actor.

"Niall? Liam?!" I yelled, but got no response. I looked around and the two lovebirds were nowhere to be found.

"Oh, great, I lost two and two turned insane," I muttered, "Niall! Liam! Now is not the time to make love to each other! We have to save the world!" I yelled.

"Niall and Liam are in L-O-V-E!" Harry randomly sang, putting his hands up in the air.

I sighed, "Seems like I have to be the sensible one for once," I muttered.

Never thought I would ever say that.

"What is happening to my life?!" I whined.

Don't be so whiny, Lou-Lou and join us on the fun side! We have cookies!" Zayn said with a toothy grin, I looked at him weirdly.

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