Chapter 17 - Niall Horan

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Chapter 17 – Niall Horan

“You are wrong, he already has. He just needed a push from a certain person,” I told Luke, he just laughed in reply, finding the whole situation hilarious.

Someone reached out to me though telepathic powers and I knew it was time. I slightly smirked, making sure that Luke didn’t saw it.

Tyler? Are you there? I said telepathically to my ancestor.

Tyler Horan was the first Knight in the Horan family and one of the very few Winged Werewolves. Most believe that they are death, but they aren’t. They just had to… leave for a while.

The moment I sensed something was wrong, Tyler contacted me and told me everything. That, and he gave me his powers.

Yes, I’m here youngling. Don’t worry, everything will be alright, Tyler assured me. My tense shoulders slightly relaxed and I could hear Luke say, “Well, all your work has been for nothing. It was nice knowing you.”

He pushed us closer towards the cliff and I could feel Liam tense up next to me, I assumed he thought this would be the end of us. “Farewell, angel boys. Send my greetings to Michael.” Luke said and gave us a final push, sending us towards the magma. I shrieked in shock and Luke laughed in the distance, I could tell the vampire-demon-werewolf hybrid turned around and walked away.

Liam wrapped one of his arms around my waist and with the other, he held on tightly to a rock. I wrapped my arms and legs around him and yelled his name to catch his attention. I need to get us out of here, we need to warn Harry.

It has begun. I thought to myself.

“Let go! Trust me!” I yelled to Liam.

“What?!” He shrieked, looking at me like I grew a second head in front of his own eyes.

“Trust me, I know what I am doing. I won’t let anything happen to us. We need to get away from here, we need to warn Harry. The battle has begun,” I said, much more calmly now. I looked him straight in the eye, so he – hopefully – knew I was serious. I won’t let anything happen to us.

“If I let go, we die.” Liam stated and he tightened his hold around my waist. “Liam, do you trust me?” I asked after a while.

“Yes,” he immediately said.

“Then trust me on this, I know what I am doing. Let go of the rock,” I said slowly.

He sighed and looked me in the eyes. “I trust you, I hope you know what you’re doing.” He said and let go, sending us hurling towards the magma.

Liam wrapped both his arms around me and I closed my eyes, grasping towards the powers Tyler gave me so kindly a while ago. I let it engulf me like a blanket and I shifted.

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