Chapter 16 - Liam Payne

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Chapter 16 – Liam Payne

“What do you mean he disappeared?!” Niall shrieked to the warriors who returned from their mission to find Zayn, just to bring the news that we was nowhere to be found.

I walked up to him and wrapped one of my arms around his waist, bringing him to my side. “Babe, calm down. With panicking you achieve nothing.” I told him.

“I’m sorry, Alpha Niall. We can’t find him, death or alive. There are no tracks visible to wherever he might be,” one of the warriors said to Niall. I could feel Niall tense when he was called ‘Alpha’ and I rubbed his back. The moment Zayn disappeared – or died, like most seem believe – the Silver Moon pack started to call Niall their Alpha.

When an Alpha of a pack dies, his or her firstborn child often takes the roll of the new Alpha. But if the Alpha doesn’t has any children – like in Zayn’s case – the Beta becomes the next Alpha, which makes Niall the new Alpha of the Silver Moon pack. Niall hasn’t excepted that exactly, he strongly believes that Zayn is still alive and out there somewhere. He still sees Zayn as the Alpha.

“Have you been everywhere?” I asked the six warriors.

“Yes, we searched a few miles around the cliff. With his wounds he couldn’t have gotten far, but he’s still nowhere to be found.” One of them replied. “What about the forest? By the river?” I offered. There was a river underneath the cliff; Zayn might have fallen in the river and being washed away.

“We found the remaining’s of a fire, but there’s no one close by. If it’s indeed Malik, he clearly doesn’t want to be found.”

I nodded, “Okay, thank you. You’re dismissed.” I said and they hurried away. I turned to Niall, “What do you think about it, babe?”

Niall had a distant look in his eyes and he was looking at the forest with a small smile on his face, “I think that Zayn will be just fine. He’s in good hands,” he replied. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, “What do you mean by that?”

He gave me a mischievous smirk and he knew he wasn’t going to elaborate on the matter. “You are weird,” I commented and wrapped both my arms around him, resting my chin on top of his head. Niall hummed in content and leaned back.

“Tell me, how are the Tomlinson’s doing?” He asked after a while.

I laughed, “According to Louis, the twins are quite a handful. He calls them his little tornados, always running and jumping around.” I replied making Niall chuckle. “They actually sound like Louis, he’s also crazy.” Niall commented and I couldn’t help but agree with that.

“Niall! Liam!” Someone yelled and I looked up, seeing Luke running towards us with a slightly panicked expression.

“Luke, what’s the matter?” Niall asked the French wolf, pulling himself out of my hold to walk towards Luke, who was bending over to catch his breath. I narrowed my eyes at Luke.

I don’t know what it is about him, but there’s something about him I don’t trust.

“I just found something, you guys need to see this,” he said out of breathe.

“What is it?” I asked him suspicious. Niall gave me a short confused glance, before focusing back on Luke.

“I have found the king,” he said and Niall’s eyes widened. “Why didn’t you say so? Lead the way!” Niall yelled and Luke nodded, running away with me and Niall hot on his heels.

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