Chapter 28 - Harry Styles

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Chapter 28 - Harry Styles

My mum used to tell me that everything in life happens for a reason, but if that is true, what led me to this?

I anxiously looked around, feeling the presence of a great evil nearby. The angel blood was pulsing wildly though my veins and I felt the magic pulsing though me, ready to fight when necessary.

I looked up at the pitch black sky; the stars were gone and only the moon could be seen high up in the sky, vaguely glowing a dark red colour.

The balance between Dark and Light is disturbed, I mentally stated to myself, wondering how something like this could happen.

My heightened senses picked up movement from my left and I jumped back, just in time to avoid the sharp claws from some flying demon. "Damn it, she took her children with her," I cursed under my breath.

"Satrina! Show yourself, and take those damned children of yours away!" I yelled, knowing she could hear me. She didn't appeared, but the minor demons stopped attacking me, so I knew she was listening. "I'm not here to fight you, I'm here to know more about the balance between Dark and Light," I said and I could hear a chuckle echoing from everywhere around me.

"And why should I tell you that? Harry Styles?" A sickly sweet voice said from behind me and I could feel her breath on my neck. I whipped around but saw only darkness.

She laughed, "You made a mistake coming here, boy. There indeed was a disturbance between Dark and Light. But it wasn't the dark who did it, it was the Light," she said and I furrowed my eyebrows.

Why would someone be stupid enough to do that?

"And now, the Light has to face the consequences. A life for a life, according to the ancient rules," she said, coming from every direction.

A life for a life? "Necromancy is forbidden," I said. It's forbidden to bring the death back to the Realm of the Living.

"Love makes people do crazy things," she stated, saying 'love' with such disgust in her voice.

My eyes widened. Niall, what did you do?

I turned around and shifted. I spread my wings and flew away, I have to return to the others, I need to know if it's true or not. But a feeling in my guts told me it was indeed the harsh truth, and just like Satrina said, the Light has a high price to pay.

"And where do you think you're going?" Satrina said, suddenly appearing in front of me. The snakes that came out of her eyes hissed and glared at me with their fire red eyes.

I growled and bared my teeth, Get out of my way, Satrina. I warned her.

"I think you underestimate me, Styles. You came to my Realm and I, the first of the Greater Demons am the ruler here and I decide what to do with you," she tilted her head to the side. "And I won't just let a Winged Werewolf – let along the king – get away. I need your blood to bring my son back," she added and with a snap of her fingers, around twenty demons appeared and knocked me out.

The world around me turned black and I could vaguely hear Satrina laughing and her minor demons carrying me away.

To be continued...


Sooo..... this was the final chappie of Enemies! The story will continue in the second book of The Werewolf Chronicles (it will be called 'Fight For You') Yay!!! :D

Sorry I left you guys with a cliffhanger - again... - but this was necesarry for the other books in the series.

Comment what you think will happen in Fight For You (I Always love to hear your opinions!) and don't forget to vote either!

I probably post the blurb either Saturday or Sunday and the first chapter of Fight For You somewhere next week :)

Don't forget to check out Tale of the Werewolf King, too!

- Jack the Irish leprechaun

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