Chapter 33 - Harry Styles

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Chapter 33 - Harry Styles

My shoulders tensed and my heels dug in the ground. I braced myself against the heavy chains that bound my wrist together, but to no avail.

The demonic symbols on the chains glowed up and send a shockwave of pain thought me, making a howl escape past my lips. I fell to the hay covered ground and tensed up all my muscles, which I recently figured out, lessens the pain by a little bit.

On normal werewolves, the demonic symbols wouldn't have much effect, but I'm not exactly what you could call a normal werewolf. I'm a Winged Werewolf; and the angel blood in my veins reacts heavily to the demonic spells put on the chains.

Those chains are specifically designed to prevent creatures from Heaven to escape, and with success.

They were silver too, which resulted in burn marks wherever the chains touched my skin.

I closed my eyes for a few seconds and took a deep breath to calm my mind.

I had to escape from this place somehow. I know I had to.

My eyes opened again and I went to a sitting position, glaring down at my silver chains.

A dark chuckle made me look up and I locked eyes with Satrina. Well, more like her snake-eyes that glared at me. "Don't bother trying to escape. Those demonic spells are extra strong and should easily keep you captured here," she said amused, the snakes hissed at me in agreement.

"I will get out of here," I said firmly with such determination that seemed to surprise her. My burning green eyes glared at the Greater Demon who hissed in annoyance.

"You will never get out of here alive," she hissed before she spun on her heels and stalked away.

I waited until I couldn't hear her footsteps any longer and a smirk found itself on my face.

I don't know how long I have stayed her – probably a few weeks, even though I'm not sure – and I knew the cellar I was in from the back of my mind.

Including its weak spot.

The perfect escape plan.

This cellar wasn't as escape-proof as Satrina had hoped.

With focussing too much on the demonic spells, she forgot one crucial thing.

If I manage to disable the magic from the spells, the chains are normal silver chains, which make it easier to break.

It are the demonic symbols that prevent me from using the Heavenly Fire. If I can use my magic again, escaping will be easy.

I went to the far corner of the room, as far as the chains would allow me and I started scraping them against the walls. The symbols were put on the chains by paint and if I remove them good enough they would lose their power.

I must have scraped the chains against the wall for a solid five minutes but I could feel the effect of the spell lessen. After a few more seconds I was able to pull the chains apart.

The chains sprang free and fell to the ground. I rubbed my sore wrist and held them at arm's length. The skin was red but it would recover soon enough, my first priority was getting out of here.

In one of my first days here I noticed a window with bars in front of it. I jumped up and furiously destroyed the bars with the Heavenly Fire that burned in my veins.

I could hear some commotion happen somewhere else and was quick to shift and to get the hell out of this place.

I had to get to the others quickly. They might be in serious danger.

I just hope I'm not too late.

The next chappie of Fight For You is finally up!

I'm sorry it took me a while and this is not the longest chapter either XD My apologies for that. I haven't really felt like writing the past few months, but it's getting back! I try to update as often as I can.

I'm aware the boys are going to take a break next year. But don't worry, I won't abandon my stories, I will continue writing them in the break. So don't worry about that, okay? :)

Anyway..... Harry managed to escape! Yay! :D Tell me what you thought of this chapter and what you think will happen next! What are your predictions for this story? Please tell me, I'm curious to know what you guys think.

The next chapter will be in Liam's POV btw ;) To give you a view into his mind and to give you a better idea of what's happening to him right now. Tell me your suggestions and what you think is happening to Liam!

Until the next time my fabulous Sharkicorns! Stay awesome!

All the love

- Jack the Irish leprechaun

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