Chapter 10 - Zayn Malik

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Chapter 10 – Zayn Malik

“Why do we even have to go to that meeting? I have better things to do,” I complained to the young wolf who had bought the innovation of the meeting to my pack. I have no idea who the unfamiliar wolf was, I have never seen him before, he told us he came from some pack in the northern parts of Germany, the largest pack of that country.

“Stop complaining, let’s go. It can’t be that bad,” Niall said with a roll of his eyes.

I sighed and nodded to the German wolf. “Okay, we go.” Both me and Niall shifted into our wolfs and followed the blond with grey wolf to some clearing in the forest. It was outside both Silver Moon and Blue Mountain territory. It was holy ground, so no one could have it. Sometimes visiting packs stayed there, but never for too long.

The clearing was called In sanctuarium sanctitatis. Which meant ‘The Holy Place’ in Latin.

I ran side-by-side with Niall, speeding through the forest. We skidded to a stop when we reached the clearing, I blinked in surprise and took all the wolves in.

There are many werewolves in the world, but I have never seen so many together in one place. It were hundreds, maybe even thousands. They were in different shapes, colours and patterns. I think I even saw a silvery blue wolf somewhere with bright yellow eyes. Some were in wolf shape and others were in their human shape.

Some looked up when we appeared with curious eyes, but after a while, they went back to their previous tasks.

There are so many. Niall said wide-eyed. His white ears were perked up on top of his head and he looked around at the different wolves, his eyes searching for someone.

From all the corners of the world they have come, because the king has returned. I told him while my ears nervously flattened. There were many other Alpha’s here and they made me nervous.

How did they even know the king has returned? I don’t see him anywhere.

Do you even know what the king looks like? I questioned him with a wolfish grin. We walked thought the mass of wolves till we were close to the front.

Actually, I do. There were four families who were the Knights of the royal family, my family was one of them. He informed me.

I blinked in surprise. There are four families? Why did you never said that before? I asked a bit offended.

He shrugged his shoulders. It did not seem important. And no one knows what the names of those families are anyway, that knowledge is long lost.

I couldn’t say something in reply because I recognized one of the wolves who was seated on one of the rocks, looking out over all the other wolves here. The sunlight reflected on his completely black coat and his golden eyes looked around. Next to him was a silver-grey wolf seated, they seemed to be in a conversation.

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