Chapter 6 - Liam Payne

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Chapter 6 – Liam Payne

I was still on cloud nine when I arrived back and Louis immediately noticed my change in mood since the last time he saw me.

“Li! You’re back! I didn’t know you would be gone for so long, what were you up to?” He said and jokingly winked towards me.

I thought of Niall, my mate. And I could help but smile like crazy and I could feel a slight blush appearing on my cheeks.

Louis’ eyes widened dramatically when he noticed my rosy cheeks and he sped towards me just to constantly poke my cheeks. “Oh my God! You’re blushing, you never blush!” He yelled in my face while looking at my cheeks in wonder making my blush deepen.

“What happened to make you blush like this? Wha-“ he stopped himself mid-sentence when realization hit him.

He gave me a knowing look and a small smile, “You met your mate didn’t you?” I blushed even deeper and avoided eye contact at all cost. But that was all the confirmation Louis needed.

“You really found your mate! That’s fantastic news! When am I going to meet her? Or is it a him?” He questioned me while he shook my shoulders.

“It’s a him,” I said shyly still avoiding eye contact.

“Aww! Look at you being all shy and awkward, what happened to the confident and stubborn Alpha I know?” He joked making me glare at him.

“I’m not stubborn!” I protested.

“No Jimmy protested!” Louis argued making me look weirdly at him.

“Who’s Jimmy?” I asked confused with my head tilted to the side. I don’t recall a Jimmy. If there was a wolf called Jimmy in my pack I would have known.

“A character from a book,” Louis stated making me mentally face-palm.

I have a weird friend.

“I already feel sorry for your child for having you as his or her dad.” I said mockingly with a smirk.

Louis glared at me, “You leave my unborn child out of this okay? You may be my Alpha and best friend but I won’t hesitate to kick your butt.” He said bluntly.

“Oh, believe me. I know,” I said and shuddered thinking about the last time, I kept mocking Eleanor and how Louis – literally – kicked my butt to defend his mate when we were pre-teens.

“And I won’t hesitate to do it again,” he smirked when he knew where I was thinking about.

“Enough about this! Tell me about your mate! How did you meet him?” Louis squealed while jumping up and down making me blush again upon thinking about Niall and the agreement we made. And I shouldn’t forget to meet him tomorrow night by the lake, I can’t let my mate wait for too long.

“And your blushing again! I haven’t met him yet, but I already love that mate of yours!” Louis exclaimed loudly while he laughed.

I tensed and a low growl escaped my throat, “Mine!” I yelled at him.

He held his hands up in mock surrender, “I know, don’t worry I have a mate of my own.” He said with a cheeky grin. My shoulders grew less tense when he said that.

“No need to get all protective, you know I won’t steal your mate. You deserve to be happy,” he said seriously this time.

I gave him a small smile, feeling grateful to have a friend like Louis. “I know, and thanks Lou.” I told him sincerely.

He suddenly grabbed my hand and started dragging me towards his house making me sprint to keep up with him. He pushed the door open of his house, startling Eleanor who sat on the sofa and he pushed me down on a chair while he sat down next to Eleanor.

“Hi Liam,” she greeted me. I gave her a small smile in return after I shot a glare towards Louis. “Why did you drag Alpha Liam inside our house? Do you have a reason for that?” She attempted to scold Louis who innocently grinned down at her.

“Liam has found his mate,” he said simply making Eleanor look at me in surprise.

“The only thing I know is that he met him today and that he already makes him blush,” he informed her before me or Eleanor could say something.

“Is he speaking the truth or is he just rambling something?” Eleanor asked me making Louis protest. But she shushed him by placing her hand in front of his mouth, successfully making him shut up.

I chuckled upon seeing the two of them being their crazy selves. They were crazy for each other and a perfect match. And I know they will be great parents. I smiled fondly at my two friends when Louis carefully placed a hand on Eleanor’s growing stomach and hugged her against his body.

“Yes, I found my mate. His name is Niall,” I told the two of them. I decided not to tell them his last name or the pack he is in. Not yet at least, maybe somewhere in the future.

“Well, I’m happy for you. Clad you finally found your mate, you have waited for so long.” Eleanor told me while she snuggled against Louis and gave him a fond smile.

“He makes Liam blush, he already blushed two times today.” He whispered in Eleanor’s ear making her laugh silently. But even when Louis was whispering you could still easily hear him.

And as on cue I blushed again.

“See! I told you! He’s blushing again!” Louis yelled loudly while pointing at my blushing form. I’m pretty sure I’m bright red by now.

Eleanor gaped at me, “No way! You’re seriously blushing, never thought I would ever see the day where Liam Payne blushes!” She said in surprise making Louis laugh at her facial expression.

“Shut up,” I mumbled towards my friends while I looked down. They just laughed harder at my awkwardness.

The rest of the night was spend with the three of us goofing around and Louis trying to get me to talk more about Niall.

Sorry if it's a bit short. But then again, I'm (trying to) update every Friday from now on so I think it will be okay to have a shorter chappie once in a while for I will update every week ^^ Yay!

Anyway, what do you think of the friendship between Louis and Liam? Eleanor also made an appearance, what do you think of her? Predictions? Let me know in the comments below!

- Jack the Irish leprechaun

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