Chapter 27 - Niall Horan

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Plot-twist and second-to-last chappie *evil laugh* I also changed the blurb of the story so it would be more fitting! What do you think of it? :)

Chapter 27 - Niall Horan

"Anyone know where Calum and the other vampires went to?" Louis spoke up after a while.

I raised my eyebrows, "Vampires?" I asked in confusion. Aren't the vampires supposed to be our enemies?

Harry smirked, "While you and Liam went on an adventure in another dimension, we made some kind of alliance with the vampires. Calum is their leader and they fought among us against the demons," Harry explained and my eyebrows arched upwards in surprise.

It honestly surprised me that Harry had accepted the alliance. From everyone I know, Harry hates vampires – and Luke – the most. I knew about his past, so I knew about his distaste towards the vampires.

I gave Harry a confused look, but he looked away.

"Calum and the vampires left the UK, he said he wanted to find a home for his kind where they could live in peace," Zayn said after a while, answering Louis' question.

Thank you, Zayn!" Louis said exaggerated.

"Okay, now that we know what happened to the vampires, what are we going to do now?" I questioned, looking up at the clouds.

"We surely need to check if the packs are alright and we might want to check for any lingering demons," Liam offered.

Harry sighed, "You should do that," he said.

I raised my eyebrows at him, "What about you then?" I asked Harry, his sad green eyes looked at me and I knew. "You want to go leave," I whispered and the others looked at Harry.

Harry stopped walking and looked up with a small smile, "I have never stayed on one place for too long, I was always traveling, going to where the wind bought me, and now," his eyes opened and he looked at us, "I have to go again."

"Will we... ever see you again?" Louis asked wide-eyed, clearly not expecting that Harry wanted to leave.

"I don't know honestly," Harry replied, "but who am I to decide fate? We might meet again or we might not, only time will tell," he added upon seeing Louis' sad face.

But aren't you the King of the Werewolves? Aren't you supposed to... I don't know... rebuild your castle in Romania?" Zayn asked in confusion.

Harry looked Zayn straight in the eye, "I go all around the world and help those who need my help, I can't do that when I'm locked up in a castle."

"Ever since I was small, I always imagined what it would be like outside the walls of my family's castle. I wanted to go out in the wild and figure out the mysteries of the world; and now I can do so," he told us.

I looked at Harry and I understood him. I'm one of the few who Harry trusted with the knowledge of his past and dreams and believes. And because he told me, I understand his decision.

Harry has a free spirit and he follows his heart.

I nodded at him, "Then I wish you the best, may the stars watch over you, my friend." I said.

The others looked at me wide-eyed, "Wait... are you actually okay with this?" Louis asked me.

"We can't tell him what to do. This is his decision and as his friends, we need to accept it," I replied.

I looked back at Harry with a raised eyebrow, There is more to it, isn't it? I asked him telepathically.

You know me too well, was his reply and I knew I was right. But yes, there's more that made me make this decision, he told me. I didn't dare to interrupt him, if Harry tells you something just let him talk, if you interrupt him he might stop talking about the matter.

There are still things I want to figure out that need my attention, he said and I knew he wasn't going to be sharing more information, so I nodded.

Alright then, good luck, I said and Harry turned to Zayn, "Please, take good care of my sister," he said with almost begging eyes.

Zayn nodded, "I will, don't worry, she'll be save with me." He promised and Harry smiled gratefully.

"BYE, HAZZY!!!" Louis yelled at the top of his lungs, jumping on Harry and wrapping his limps around him in some kind of hug. We all bust out laughing at Louis' actions, and we laughed even harder when Harry replied with, "Bye, Boobear!"

"If Louis hasn't already found his mate and has two kids with her, I would ship those two," Zayn whispered in my ear, his eyes focussed on.

I chuckled, "Me too, Zayn. Me too," I agreed.

Harry let go of Louis and walked up to Liam, who stood next to me with his arm wrapped around my waist, "Goodbye, Liam. Take good care of everyone and especially Blondie over here," he said while ruffling my hair, I pulled a face and swatted his hand away so I could fix my hair, making everyone laugh at me. "You will only find someone like him once in your life, he is special," he added and Liam nodded, "I already figured that out myself," Liam replied while gently smiling down at me, making the butterflies go crazy in my stomach and a blush rise on my cheeks.

"Goodbye, Niall. And thank you for everything," Harry told me next, making me look up at him.

"Until the next time, H," I said with a smirk.

Harry walked past me, Liam and Louis to say goodbye to Zayn and his sister. Upon seeing the pout on Louis' face I said, "Don't worry, Lou. I know we will see him again soon."

Louis raised his eyebrows in a sassy way – I was starting to get used to Louis' sassy ways, "And how do you know that?"

"Because I know Harry," I said and Louis had nothing to say to that.

"You shut Louis' sass up, you truly are special," Liam laughed.

I huffed, "And you just figured that out?"

"Goodbye, my friends, and hopefully, until the next time," Harry said to the all of us, bringing our attention back to him before he shifted in his large, dark brown wolf.

Harry spread his wings, jumped up in the air and disappeared behind the horizon.

We watched Harry for a while before Louis whispered, "And now, there are only five in our group."

No, there will always be six. Harry will return when he found what he is looking for, I mentally told myself with a smile.

"Niall, babe?" Liam said, trying to catch my attention. I blinked my eyes and looked up at him, Liam chuckled with a shake of his head before he said, "Ready to go home?"

I smiled, "As ready as I'll ever be," I replied.

Soooo.... This was the new chappie for Enemies! Make sure to comment what you think of it! Also, soemthing you might want to know, after this there will only be one more chapter and then Enemies is finished. And obliviously, I will continue in the second book of The Werewolf Chronicles :) So this book will have 28 chapters.

The last chapter will also be in Harry's pov btw, what happens in the next chapter will be of importance of what happens in the second book.

Anyway, what were your thought of this chappie? Harry leaving? The goodbye's? Predictions? What will happen in the second book and when will Harry return? Also, what do you think of the gif? XD It has nothing to do with the story, I found it on google and I thought it was funny so I added it ^^

Hint: Harry WILL return, so don't worry about that ;)

Goal for earlier update: Because this is the second to last chapter, there will be no goal. Just surprise me, okay? When I will update depends on how many views/comments and votes I get :)

- Jack the Irish leprechaun

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