Chapter 40 - Niall Horan

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Chapter 40 - Niall Horan

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Chapter 40 - Niall Horan

We landed on what seemed to be a random rock formation. The Himalayan Mountains were around us, some of the mountains raising above the clouds. We were in the heart of a blizzard, the cold wind and snow whirling around us, blinding us and almost making me lose my footing on the rocks.

The hairs on my neck and shoulders rose up, in the hopes of giving Liam at least a little bit of protection from the harsh blizzard of the mountains.

Harry blazed up in the golden-white flames of Heaven. An intense heat radiated off him and he melted the snow. The flames forced the blizzard away and I stood there shocked, gaping at him.

It's much easier this way, Harry told me with a wolf's grin. He shifted back to his other form and jumped down the rocks.

Hey! Where are you going? I asked him, my blue eyes following him down.

Harry looked up. "We have arrived. I had to force the blizzard back in other to enter their kingdom. With a raging blizzard it would have been close to impossible." He told me. Harry looked within the depths of a ravine. "It's in there."

I looked down but saw nothing but darkness.

"It's an illusion," Harry said, his green eyes twinkling with excitement. "The Guard are wielders of magic. They can enter someone's mind and they can create almost perfect illusions," he said in a whisper. "They have put this illusion in front of the entrance to keep curious travelers away."

Seems like they aren't exactly the social type, I noted.

Harry nodded. "They're not," he agreed. He held up his palm and he created a small golden flame. The flames danced above his skin, licking his fingers and emitting a soft glow.

He started to chant in a foreign language. Latin perhaps. I watched on in amazement how to darkness seemed to ebb away, revealing a stone stairway that led down. The entrance to a cave became visible. Is that our entrance? I asked.

"Yes, it is," Harry said, standing up and looking at the stairway. He picked up a small rock and threw it down, watching it going down. When nothing happened, he nodded. "Seems like the coast is clear," he muttered, jumping on the stone stairway and going down.

For a second, I hesitated. I shook my head, checked to see if Liam is alright, before I followed Harry.

Why the rock? I questioned.

"To see if there would be a trap or another illusion," Harry replied, having his eyes cast forward. "I wouldn't put it past The Guard to pull another trick."

We went down in silence, stopping in front of the cave entrance. Strange symbols were engraved into the stone above it, giving off an eerie feel. I narrowed my eyes and tried to recognize the language.

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