Chapter 37 - Niall Horan

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Chapter 37 - Niall Horan

I was staring at the food on my plate. Phylicia had made me some lunch. A bowl of chicken soup, a hump of bread and some cheese and strawberries.

I had yet to touch it.

Phylicia sighed from next to me. "You really need to eat, Niall. If you keep going like this you might get ill as well," she told me.

My gaze went to Liam, who was asleep on the couch.

I sighed and put the cheese on the bread, putting it in my mouth at once. I could see Phylicia wrinkling her nose in the corner of my eyes – probably because of my table manners – but she didn't said anything about it. She was probably happy that I started eating at all.

The bread was gone is seconds. The strawberries were gone even sooner.

I took a large gulp of the soup and my eyes widened, my face growing red. I had forgotten that the soup was hot. Burning hot. I put the bowl down and my tongue hung out of my mouth, I tried to fan it with my hands.

Phylicia laughed. "That is when you eat too fast! The soup is hot," she said with a chuckle. "You are wore than a banshee, Niall."

My eyes narrowed and I gave her one of the best glare I could muster – with my hands still fanning my tongue that is. But Phylicia already stood up and didn't notice my glare. She disappeared in the kitchen and later she returned with a glass of water that she handed to me.

I thanked her and took some large gulps of water until the glass was half-full. The water cooled down my burning throat and I sighed in content.

"You're hopeless," Phylicia said again.

"There's no need to tell me something I already know," I replied.

She didn't knew what to say to that. I grinned and continued eating my soup. Slowly this time, making sure not to burn my tongue.

Niall, a voice said in my head. I immediately recognized it to be my best friend. Zayn. He was talking to me through the pack-link.

What's going on, Z? I casually asked, eating a bit more soup.

Harry has returned. Was everything he said. He did not need to say more.

I jumped up from the chair I was seating on and Phylicia looked up. Alarmed by my sudden movements.

"What's going on?" She asked.

"Zayn contacted me. He told me that Harry has returned." I replied while running out of the room. Out of the house.

I knew Phylicia would look after Liam. I needed to talk to Harry.

From the short period Zayn had contacted me I had seen Harry's location clearly in his mind.

The lake where I first met Liam. And where Harry had summoned three of the legendary Winged Werewolves.

While I was running I shifted. Before I knew it I was running on all fours with my white paws thundering over the ground.

I spread my feathered wings and soared up high. Climbing higher and higher until I was among the clouds.

It was a clear day and the air was warm, making it the perfect weather for flying

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It was a clear day and the air was warm, making it the perfect weather for flying.

I knew the way to the lake out my head. And I was pretty certain I could even make it blindfolded. It was pretty close too.

When the lake came in view I soared down in circles and landed on the large rock.

My claws scrapped over stone and I half-folded my wings on my back before switching back.

I sat down and grinned down at the man who was kneeled next the lake.

Bright green eyes looked at me. "And here I was thinking I could freshen up a bit before meeting up with everyone." Harry said, straightening his shoulders and giving me a dimpled grin. "You always have been impatient, my friend."

I shrugged my shoulders. Not denying it. And jumped down the rock, soundlessly landing in front of the curly haired man.

"You look horrible. What happened to you?" I immediately said upon taking a good look at him. His hair stocked to his skin with a mixture of dirt and sweat and his clothes looked dirty. And - I did not dare tell him - he smelled.

"It looks like you got attacked by a horde of demons and that they chased you around the world!" I added.

"Believe me, it was worse," Harry muttered.

We had started walking back to the pack territory.

I shook my head. "I'm not sure I even want to know," I muttered. Harry pulled a face. "Anyway, while you were gone something happened to Liam, and we need your help."

I explained Liam's mysterious illness to him shortly and what Leah and Phylicia said about it.

Concern flashed in Harry's eyes, but there was something else to see as well. "So it's true." He said so soft I had to stain my ears to hear it.

Harry spun around and looked at me with wide eyes. "Niall, what exactly happened when you and Liam killed Luke?"

"Wha-" I said in disbelief. "What does that has to do with Liam's illness?"

Harry looked serious. "Niall," he said slowly, "this has everything to do with Liam's illness."

He turned around from me and shook his head, his hands grasping his curls. I realized with a shock that he was afraid. Harry Styles, High King of the Werewolves, is afraid.

And somehow, that scared me more than anything.

"H-Harry?" I asked shakily.

He spun around in a flash. His eyes wild. "Niall. What. Did. You. Do." He said slowly and clearly.

I gulped. When Michael had bought Liam back from the dead we had a silent agreement not to tell anyone about it. But upon seeing the fear and horror in Harry's now dark green eyes, I knew I had to tell him the truth. He needed to know. He might as well be the only person capable of saving Liam.

"Well," I slowly started. "When we were fighting Luke, Luke might have killed Liam." I said. Harry's eyes widened in horror and disbelief and his face paled.

"I killed Luke out of rage and then the Angel Michael appeared in a glowing orb from the sky." I added. "He said I had rid the world from a great evil and he told me he would grant me a wish."

"You wished for Liam," Harry whispered, knowing what I was going to say next.

I nodded. Silently confirming it.

"Love makes people do crazy things," Harry whispered, closing his eyes and rubbing his temples with his thumbs.

Harry's green eyes opened and he gave me a sideways glance. I knew I wasn't going to like what he was going to say next. My stomach twisted in knots.

"I hope you realize that you set in motion a chain of unavoidable events. Events that might as well destroy this entire world," he told me. "I hope you are prepared. Everything that happened up to now, was just the beginning."

I have actually no idea what to put in this author's note so I'm gonna keep it short...

Until the next time and let me know what you think is gonna happen next!

- Jack the Irish leprechaun

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