Chapter 2 - Liam Payne

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Second chappie is here! Thanks for all the support already on this story, it’s completely insane! :D I love you guys, you are all awesome and beautiful people! Don’t forget that.

Chapter 2 – Liam Payne

The moment me and the other seven wolves ran into the heart of our territory almost every wolf stopped with what they were doing and looked at us – mostly me – to hear what we had to say.

A white with brown wolf walked towards us and asked though the pack link. Alpha, what happened? I turned to face the young wolf, she couldn’t be older than sixteen and replied loudly so everyone can hear.

I just had a meeting with Alpha Zayn from the Silver Moon pack! I was interrupted with a lot of angry growls and complains from basically every wolf. My ears went flat against my head and a loud warning growl escaped from the depth of my chest. Silence! I roared over all the other sounds. Immediately everyone was silence in a heartbeat when they heard my Alpha voice.

I puffed my large chest out and stood tall and powerful in front of my pack. Most wolves bent their heads as a sign of respect towards me.

Be quiet and let the Alpha speak! Louis told everyone in his Beta voice. I shot him a grateful look and he nodded towards me.

I ran past everyone and jumped on top of the rock I stood on previously before Louis told me Zayn wanted to ‘talk’ with me. Louis was quick to follow me and soon the large grey wolf stood next to me. When there was a pack meeting or if I wanted to say something I always stood on this rock. That way everyone could see and hear me clearly. And I had a good view on my pack members and the surroundings.

The other wolves – some were in human shape – jumped in front of the rock and looked up at me and Louis. I could see adoration, curiosity and a bit of fear for Zayn and the safety of the pack in their eyes.

Zayn told me he wanted to form an alliance with our pack. He wanted our packs to be mixed together! I started and immediately I heard gasps and growl coming from the other wolves.

What happened then Alpha Liam? You didn’t accept, did you? A small light brown wolf asked me. I recognized him as Dylan, a young wolf that just learned how to shift. Him mother shot him a warning glare for his straightforward behaviour. But I merely ignored it.

I didn’t accept his offer!  I stated and shot a glance at Dylan who immediately looked down and put his long tail between his legs. I knew that Zayn never shares his power, that if I accepted it he would have killed me to get the complete power over the packs. I added after a few seconds. This time it was silence. The others possessed my words and shock was evident in their eyes. They looked at me with big eyes.

Zayn tried to attack me when I declined his offer. I continued and Louis next to me growled lowly. I took a glance at him and noticed he had his ears almost touching his head and he looked angrily in the distance. But Louis appeared and pushed me away. Then we ran back to here. I finished and took a step back.

I let everyone rage for a bit, letting their anger steam off. Most where arguing with each other, they let their opinions hear. Most of them said to attack the Silver Moon pack, to let the element of surprise in our advance.

My eyes narrowed and I jumped forward with a growl. I stood in my full high with my tail up in the air, Louis looked at me with a question look. We won’t attack them the first. I don’t want to be the one to start this, if we attack now without a plan many will die. I stated in my Alpha voice.

He’s right, Louis said who stepped forward to talk with the pack. If we run like mad wolves towards their territory and attack them many wolves will die, from both packs. Then it’s the start of unnecessary lives that will be lost in a never ending war. Violence is not the answer, we need to think about what we are going to do. He said loud and clear. His ocean blue eyes looked all around the area, looking at everyone. I looked impressed at the smart wolf.

That’s the thing with Louis, he sees everything in his own way and he keeps surprising everyone with his actions. He doesn’t only looks at things in the view of our pack, but also from the other packs in the whole world. He’s a very thoughtful person and he doesn’t likes to fight and to use violence.

I nodded at Louis letting him know I agreed with him and shifted back to my human form. I saw that Louis did the same.

“Our decision is made. We will not attack them, not yet at least.” I stated and turned around to walk to the other direction.

Behind me the pack started to go back to their previous activities, the children continued to play with each other.

Louis started to walk next to me with his usual smile on his face. “I have to go and see how El is doing okay?” He asked me.

I chuckled. “You don’t need to ask me permission to see your mate. How long by the way?”

“Two months,” he stated proudly.

Eleanor – or El – is Louis’ mate. They didn’t have any difficulties because they are from the same pack. They started off as friends and when they started to shift in wolves they recognized each other as their mates. They started dating since then and were pretty much inseparable. Their relationship went smoothly and now Eleanor was pregnant with their first child.

Louis was extremely proudly about it and liked to brag around about how great of a Warrior and maybe future Beta his firstborn would be.

I laughed when he quickly turned around and ran towards the huge pack house – which was an ancient castle that we renovated – towards his mate.

That guy is in deep.

Before some of you are going to start complaining. With the start of this story I already had my mind set about Louis and Eleanor. It's a part of the story line. If you don't like them together just ignore it, it's my story.

And tell me what you think of this chappie okay?! Idk, I think it was a bit boring. Nothing much happened here. And I don't know if you noticed but the chapters are getting a bit longer! Not much, but a bit :)

Liam and Niall will meet in a couple of chapters (I don't say which chapter!) Tell me how you think they are going to meet!

And I also need another person who wants to be a character in this story! I need one more character to be a wolf in Liam's pack. If you want to be a character comment WHY I have to chose you. The most creative/strange/funny answer gets to be a character! Also please give me your name. OKAY?!

- Jack the Irish leprechaun

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