Chapter 20 - Harry Styles

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Chapter 20 – Harry Styles

"Louis, shut up," I hissed, glaring at the blue-eyes boy that came skipping out of the bushed and started talking my ears off. "I am nearly finished with this pentagram and I need my concentration for this," I told him, focussing back on my work.

"Why do we even need a pentagram to summon them?" He whined, ignoring that I told him to shut up. I closed my eyes and sighed. "Do you like barbeque?" I asked.

"Of course! Who doesn't?" Louis immediately said.

I looked up at him, my green eyes burning in his blue ones. "Do you like to be on the barbeque?" I asked next and Louis blinked.

"No," he said with a shiver. "I wouldn't like to be eaten."

"Well, then I suggest you let me finish this in peace," I told him slowly. "If the pentagram goes wrong we aren't protected against the Heavenly Fire from the Winged Werewolves. A pentagram is some kind of shield and it protects you against the wrath of Heaven." I explained.

"Why would they attack us?" He asked in confusion, his head tilted to the side.

"Winged Werewolves are Heavenly creatures, just like angels. They have the ability to look into your heart and soul to see someone's true ideals and intentions. If they don't agree with us and won't help us they will kill us for summoning them to this Realm. When it comes to that, the pentagram protects us," I told him.

"But aren't you a Winged Werewolf yourself? And Niall?" He asked.

I nodded, "Yes we are. But we can't give you and the others your wings because we aren't your ancestors, only they can." I said.

"I guess I understand now, I will leave you to it then." He said and sat down against a tree, leaning back and closing his eyes.

I shook my head before focussing back on the pentagram with a frown on my face.

I looked up at the lake I had chosen to use to summon them and I shortly wondered if it was large enough to summon three Winged Werewolves. I still remember when Raphael had appeared all those eras ago.

Raphael had appeared out of the sky, surrounded by Heavenly Fire. He almost burned down an entire forest.

Winged Werewolves, the angel-werewolf hybrids – are powerful creatures and because of their immense power, Raphael and his Knights had to leave this Realm and go to Heaven, that is what Raphael told me at least. I have no idea what would happen if I were to summon the Winged Werewolves; Leon, Afzael and Mike. Three of the werewolf Knights.

But I don't have another choice. No matter what the risk would be, I would take it. No one will be save with Luke on the lose. No one knows the werewolf-demon-vampire hybrid as good as I do and no one knows how dangerous he truly is.

Niall had seen his powers once, when Luke had destroyed his family, but even Niall doesn't know how powerful Luke truly is.

No one will be save with Luke on the loose, not even the angels and the Winged Werewolves from Heaven.

It is true that Raphael is the most powerful one, but the three Knights together could possess an even greater power for all I know.

I drew the last symbol in the pentagram and I grinned in triumph, glad I remembered the ancient ritual. I closed my eyes and spoke the old words that activated the pentagram. I didn't had to think about what I said, when I said the first word all the words I needed to say flew out of my mouth.

A shudder went through the forest and I could feel Louis tense. Werewolves are magical creatures and they are capable of feeling the old magic in the words I spoke and that meant Louis could also feel it. The same with Niall, Zayn and Liam who were further away from the pentagram. And because me and Niall are already Winged Werewolves we could feel the magic better than the others, because of our higher concentration of angel blood in our veins.

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