Chapter 23 - Liam Payne

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Most of you probably want to kill me when you finished reading this chappie.... just keep in mind that this is not the end and I have a whole SERIES planned out. Okay? Okay.

Warning: You might want to keep the tissues ready. You're warned.

Chapter 23 – Liam Payne

I followed after Niall in the air, struggling to keep up with him. Compared to Niall, I never flew before, this is all new to me. But I couldn’t exactly tell him to slow down for we were in a hurry to stop Luke from destroying our world.

Liam, hurry! Niall yelled at me though our mind link and I forced my wings to move faster, I nearly bumped against Niall but I could control myself.

Have you seen Luke yet? I asked when I managed to fly next to him.

According to Tyler, he’s in a valley behind that mountain in the distance. He replied and I looked up, to see one tall black mountain in the distance. I nodded, remembering it from the pictures Niall showed me.

We flew the last few miles in silence, each with our own thoughts. We flew past the mountain and the valley doomed up in front of us.

There was a lake in the middle of the valley, with dark blue – nearly black – shimmering water. My eyes fell on Luke; he had his back turned towards us and his golden-blond hair shone in the light of the sun. He had a spell book in his hands that he held high up in the air, chanting in an ancient language.

Harry also spoke in an ancient language when he summoned the Winged Werewolves, but this is different. When Harry started to chant, he spoke about peace, light and all the good in the world. I didn’t knew the words, but I knew the meaning. This was different. Luke didn’t spoke about the good; he spoke about death, destruction and darkness. Our surroundings visibly darkened around us and the wind started to howl, nearly slamming me against the trees I flew over to get to Luke.

I shared a look with Niall, who now flew next to me.

Tyler said we had to stop Luke before he started the ritual, but it seems like he already started. We are too late.

We landed behind Luke and I knew he heard us, but he ignored us, as if he was in some kind of trance.

Before I could stop him, Niall dashed towards Luke and leaped in the air with his teeth bared, with the intentions of ripping him to pieces. But some invisible force stopped Niall, he hung paralyzed in the air, and there was nothing I could do to stop it. I knew that if I leaped towards Luke, or went to help Niall, the same would happen to me.

Luke stopped chanting and turned around. His completely black eyes fell on us and a sinister smirk crept on his face.

He chuckled darkly and leaped up in the air, jumping around twelve feet high before he gracefully landed in front of the still paralyzed Niall. Niall growled at him, but Luke just chuckled in amusement, tilting his head to the side.

“Seems like you finally got your wings, Horan. But you’re too late, I already summoned the Greater Demons and they already left to your world to suck it dry from all the life forces,” he said with a grin, he bended forward till his face was inches from Niall’s, “and there is nothing you can do to stop it.”

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