Chapter 9 - Liam Payne

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Chapter 9 – Liam Payne

It was a week after Louis walked in on me and Niall and that week has been… hectic. To say the last. From then on, I have met Niall every night at the lake, we did nothing too exciting. Just talking and getting to know each other better.

There also have been many reports about Rogue’s close to the boarder, almost as if they were searching for something. Or someone. They didn’t cross the boarders, but we could see them.

Glowing eyes in the dark that followed our every movement. And wolves in different shapes and colours. Different shades of brown, black, blond, white and grey. We saw wolves with spots and even a few who had stripes on their body. It’s easy to say they don’t have a British nationality, British wolves are often grey, brown or black, sometimes with a bit of blond.

Niall is a pure white wolf, but he isn’t British, but Irish. And his family originally came from Romania, as the Knights of the werewolf king.

As far as I know, pure blond wolves are either German, French or Spanish. Wolves with spots originally come from America and I have never heard of striped wolves before.

I have no idea what they are all doing here.

The British islands have around eight werewolf packs. A few hundred, maybe even thousands of wolves.

“Are you okay? You seem deep in thought,” Louis commented, making me blink and look at him.

“Just thinking about what all those other wolves are doing here,” I said truthfully. My brown eyes were fixed on the mountains in the southern part of my territory. “I have never seen so many different kinds of wolves together, I think something is about to happen.”

“Can I do something for you?” I asked him.

“There are two blond wolves here, they said they wanted to speak with the Alpha. They said it was important.” He informed me.

I nodded, “Okay, bring me to them.” I told him and I let Louis lead the way, the both of us shifting in our wolf shapes.

He bought me to the rock where two blond wolves were waiting for us. Upon our arrival, the largest of them looked up at us with his bright green eyes. He had a dirty blond fur and exceedingly sharp claws for a wolf. The fur around his head and neck was longer and thicker, giving him almost something lion-like.

Are you the Alpha? He asked me in a firm voice.

Yes, I am. My name is Liam Payne, Alpha of the Blue Mountain pack. May I ask who you are? I directed the still unfamiliar wolf.

He gave me a wolfish grin. My name is Luke Hemmings and I’m the Alpha of the Blood Bound pack, from south French. He said with a nod of his head. And this is Silvara, my mate. He introduced the platinum blonde wolf next to him. Silvara had ice blue eyes and she gave us a simple nod as a greeting.

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