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Please take the time to read, it's very important to me.

Sorry this is not an update, but I still appreciate it if you would take the time to read this.

I've been nominated for the Bromance Awards in the category 'Up and Coming Niam' and if you like this story, it would mean the world to me if you would vote for this story in the Awards. I have no idea if I have any change at winning, but I'm in for the challenge!

The Bromance Awards are hosted by @BromanceAwards here on wattpad and to vote you have to go to this link: and paste it, or simply click the link) and type in the comment section 'I vote for The Werewolf Chronicles by @HazzyStyles' or something like that.

I'll make sure to dedicate this part to 'BromanceAwards' for if the link doesn't work for whatever reason (I had it happen before a couple of times...) you can go to his/her profile, select the book 'Bromance Awards (Summer 2015)' and go to the part 'Up and Coming Niam' where you can vote :)

Also, special thanks to @kadiebmore for nominating me, you're awesome, I love you and you can expect a dedication for the first official chapter of 'Fight For You'!! Can yourself special.

AND if you vote for this story and comment below you did, I give you as a 'thank you' a dedication of a random chapter in this story (if they don't have a dedication already)

All the love,

- Jack the Irish leprechaun

Ps. I'll also post the link in the comment section below to make it easier for you guys :)

The Werewolf Chronicles (Niam) AU [BOOK 1 & 2]Where stories live. Discover now