Chapter 5 - Niall Horan

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Chapter 5 – Niall Horan

When Liam said we couldn’t be together I knew I had to do something. I had to react quickly. I knew I couldn’t live without my mate. It didn’t matter he was basically Zayn’s biggest enemy, making him also my enemy in some ways, but we could make it work. We had to.

I was feeling conflicted emotions that made my head hurt.

A part of me was happy, unbelievable happy. That part of me just wanted to run and run and howl towards the full moon above us like crazy. I wanted to shoot out towards the world I had finally found my mate.

The other part of me strangely wanted to kill Liam. Simply to please Zayn; my Alpha, leader and best friend. I knew that Zayn trusted me loads. Otherwise he wouldn’t have taken me in his pack when my previous one got hunted down and if he didn’t trust me he especially wouldn’t make me his Beta.

It felt like that being with Liam was stabbing Zayn in his back. Destroying his trust, and possibly our friendship.

But all those negative thoughts fled my mind when Liam nuzzled closed against me and agreed to my idea.

I was surprised to say the last. I had no idea if he would accept or not, for all I knew he could stand up and walk away. Luckily he didn’t do that, I have no idea what would happen to me if he did.

You okay? You seem deep in thought. Liam commented making me look down at him.

He was still lying on the ground underneath my body. I quickly took my paw off his chest so he could stand up if he wished to. But he stayed put.

His warm brown eyes scanned me with a concerned look in them. It warmed my heart to know he was looking after my wellbeing. I’m fine, no need to worry about me. I told him when I saw the worry in his eyes grown when I didn’t immediately answered. I nuzzled closer against him, hoping that his nice smell would make all the bad thoughts go away.

I felt him push me lightly so he could get away from underneath me. I took a step back so he could stand up. I noticed for the first time that on his full height he towered a bit above me. He was not ridiculously tall but only about a few inches.

I know you’re not totally fine, but I can tell you don’t want to talk about it right now. He told me while he took a step closer until his nose was almost brushing mine. But know that if you do want to talk, I’m here to listen. He added in his soft voice. As to prove his point, he gave me a gentle lick on the cheek. Everything about him seemed to be gentle, his voice, his touches, and his character – as far as I could tell – and even his licks slash kisses were gentle.

Thank you. I said gratefully and nuzzled my head happily against his chest. He put his head on top of mine and we stayed like that for a while. We didn’t need to talk, we just enjoyed each other’s companion.

It wasn’t until I realized the time that my little bubble of happiness fell apart. I looked up at the sky, startled and saw the moon and stars twinkling above me. Liam noticed the sudden change in mood so he slightly pulled away to look down at my panicking form.

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