Chapter 31 - Niall Horan

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Chapter 31 - Niall Horan

"Are you okay?" I asked Liam, feeling slightly concerned.

Liam's eyes were half-closed, his face was pale and sweet glistened on his face and neck.

"You seem like you have a fever of some sort," I continued when he didn't replied.

"You look worse than the death," James said rather bluntly, looking curiously at Liam. I gave the boy a light glare and James looked down, muttering a 'sorry' as he did so.

Liam didn't seem to hear the boy and leaned heavily on me. "Okay, I bring you home," I said, supporting him and starting to walk back to our home, James and Zara on tow.

"But we just arrived at the lake! Can't we stay a bit longer? I'm sure a few more minutes won't hurt him," James started to whine, but he shut up with one glare from me. Zara on the other hand, kept silent and followed us like a shadow.

When I arrived home, I laid Liam down on the couch and gave James and Zara some cookies and juice to keep them occupied.

I went back to Liam, sat down and placed his head on my lap, gently stroking his hair. "What happened there, Liam? You were just fine the previous hour," I mumbled to him with a sigh.

"Ni?" I heard Zara ask and looked up to meet the concerned young girl's storm blue eyes, "will Li be okay?"

I smiled at her, "I'm sure he will be fine. Liam is strong, never underestimate him," I told her gently.

Zara looked at Liam and stood on her toes, giving his cheek a kiss before saying, "Get better, Li! Ni will take care of you."

She skipped out of the room - back to her brother - and I couldn't help but coo after her. Zara is a sweet little girl, without a doubt.

"Niall..." Liam suddenly gasped. My eyes widened and I looked down at my beautiful mate. He sounded completely out of breath and he looked even worse than before. Liam tried to get up and I gently pushed him down.

"You should get some rest, you don't look that good," I told him concerned.

"Something... is wrong... I need to... get away," he said in a small voice, gasping as if he could barely breath.

Something is wrong, I mentally said to myself.

Phylicia, please come quick, something is wrong with Liam, I told Phylicia, our pack-doctor.

I'm on my way, Phylicia quickly replied and I could sense her coming over to our place.

"Zara! James!" I called the twins, who quickly ran into the room with worried faces. "Phylicia is on her way to make Liam better. Can the two of you go upstairs and stay there, please?" I asked them and they nodded, going up the stairs without any complaints.

I bended down towards Liam and gently placed a kiss on his sweaty head, "Don't worry, my love. It's all going to be alright," I told him, "I promise."

♡ ♡ ♡

"Alright, what's going on, my two lovebirds?" Was the first thing Phylicia said when entering our house.

"Liam," I said, pointing towards Liam who was still lying on the couch with his head on my lap. "His temperature is very high and he can barely stand. His voice is also weak and raspy," I told her.

Phylicia nodded and walked up to us, placing her hand on Liam's head. "His temperature is indeed high, he also seems to have a low blood pressure," she muttered.

"It seems like he got some kind of fever, but I will run some extra tests to know for sure," she told me. I nodded and gently removed Liam's head from my lap, placing it on a couch cushion before standing up and moving out of Phylicia's way so she could do her job.

♡ ♡ ♡

"What's wrong?" I immediately said when I noticed Phylicia's worried expression.

"I just don't get it..." she said with a shake of her head. When I gave her a questioning look she added, "Before he left, I talked with Harry about the Winged Werewolves, and one of the things he told me is that they can rarely get ill."

She gave Liam a concerned look, "Liam always has been someone to rarely get ill, and when he was he recovered pretty quickly. When he became a Winged Werewolf it should have been impossible for him to get ill at all."

I gulped nervously, "What does this mean?"

"It means that Liam could be in danger."

Drama is about to happen soon, I did warn you all! :P

What do you think is gonna happen next? What's going on with Liam? Is Harry alright? Predictions? Let me know what you think, don't be a silent reader! :D

Love you all stay awesome!

- Jack the Irish leprechaun

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