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This is the prologue for my first ever ‘bromance’ story ^^ Welcome to ‘Enemies’ my Niam story! :D Don’t forget to vote and comment, I will continue this story somewhere in end January :) I will also switch between Liam’s and Niall’s POV in this story.

At the side is a pic as Liam as wolf!


Liam’s POV

My brown eyes scanned the area that surrounded me, I stood on top of a high rock which made it easier to watch over everything that happened.

“Alpha!” Someone yelled and ran up to me, I quickly turned around and stood face to face with Louis, the Beta of the pack. He was out of breath and his brown hair was messy, messier than usual. “What’s wrong?” I said in my Alpha voice, “We have spotted a few members from the Silver Moon pack,” he said and I stood straighter.

I’m Alpha in the Blue Mountain pack, the biggest and most powerful pack in the UK. The Silver Moon pack was my biggest enemy, their Alpha, Zayn Malik to be exact. My family and the Malik’s are enemies for centuries. It started when Ali Malik – Zayn’s ancestor – killed someone in my family. Since then it was war.

“Collect the Warriors and the Hunters, we are going to face them and make an end about this stupid war!” I commanded, Louis gave me a bewildered look, “Alpha Zayn is alone, he says he wants to talk to you. Alphas under each other,” he informed me. I raised my eyebrow, he wants to talk?

Probably it’s a trap, I nodded, “Okay, I talk with him,” I told him, he looked at me surprised, I moved my head to his ear and whispered, “Probably it’s a trap, collect the Warriors and Hunters and watch from a distance.”

He nodded, “Like you wish Alpha,” he told me and walked away, to do what I told him. I shifted in my wolf-shape and ran towards wherever he wanted to ‘talk’ to me, I didn’t need him to tell me a location, I could smell him.

I ran towards a rock, between our territories, and I jumped over a few branches and builders who were in my way. I could feel the members of my pack, including Louis, somewhere behind me. I ran past a pond and took a look at myself, a gigantic powerful wolf looked back at me, my fur was completely black.

Soon I saw him, Zayn Malik, he stood on top of the rock looking towards the horizon. Just like me he was black, only his tail and ears were a blonde colour. When he heard me he turned his head around, my dark brown eyes me his lighter ones.

‘Alpha Liam, great you came.” He told me mentally, I nodded as some kind of greeting. “What do you want Zayn?” I basically growled at him. He looked disapproving at me, “Not a way to great another Alpha, where are your manners Payne?” He said like talking to a child, making me growl.

“Alpha, are you okay?” Louis asked me though the pack link, “I’m fine,” I answered.

Zayn jumped off the rock and walked towards me, “I don’t want to fight, let’s end this war and form an Allicante.” He offered me, I looked at him sceptically. He saw my doubt and circled around me, “You are powerful Liam, very powerful. Imagine if our packs get one, then you are even more powerful.” He said trying to get me to accept his offer.

And I almost did, until I realized it. Zayn never wants to ‘share’ power, he wants everything for himself. If I accepted his offer he would have killed me, or let someone do it, and because he was the only Alpha he would automatically become the leader of the mixed packs. And that isn’t good, I don’t let my family and friends fall in his claws.

“Your words are poison, I never accept an offer with you.” I told him, meaning every word I said, he growled at me. “Whatever you want, I see you choose the way of the death,” he said and charged at me. But before he could do something a grey wolf jumped out of the bushes and pushed him away from me.

The grey wolf turned to look at me, “Alpha, are you okay?”  Louis asked me, “Yes, I’m okay. Let get out of here.” I commanded and ran back to my territory. Louis and the other pack members who came with him followed me, leaving Zayn behind in his rage.

This was the prologue, I know it’s short but it shows a bit from the rivalry between Zayn and Liam. The first chapter (end January) is going to be Niall’s POV and shows his side of the story.

Comment what you thought of it and if it was okay.

-          Jack the Irish leprechaun

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