Chapter 7 - Niall Horan

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Chapter 7 – Niall Horan

“Where do you think you’re going at this time?” I familiar voice stated from behind me.

My whole body tensed and I mentally cursed myself for not being careful enough. I slowly turned around and saw Zayn standing right in front of me.

“Uhm… taking a walk,” I found myself saying.

Zayn raised his eyebrows and he gave me a disbelieving look, “At this hour?”

“Uhm…” I said, not really knowing how to reply to him. It was indeed late and normally I was sleeping at this hour. But I promised Liam I would meet him by the lake in a few minutes, and I plan on keeping that promise.

“You and I both know you love your sleep maybe a bit too much, so mind telling me why you are sneaking around?” He asked me with narrowed eyes and his arms crossed in front of his chest.

“Sneaking? I’m not sneaking around,” I exclaimed with a huff.

“Really?” I could tell he didn’t believed me even a bit, this isn’t looking good for me. “Then why are you tiptoeing around in completely black clothes and constantly looking around you, afraid someone sees you?” He saw me? Oh shit.

“Uhm… well…” I started with a sheepish grin. I mentally shook myself and forced myself to think of a believable excuse. “I’m hungry and my food is gone.” I blurted out, mentally slapping myself for my stupidly.

“You can’t wait for the morning to buy some stuff? Seriously Niall, what’s going on?” He groaned while he gave me a pointed look.

“I know you’re not going to buy some food, if you did you wouldn’t be so sneaky about it. That, and the stores are closed at this hour. Do you think I’m stupid?”

I decided not to answer that question.

Zayn took a step closer towards me, never breaking eye contact. “What’s going on Niall, tell me!” He commanded me in his Alpha voice. My whole body tensed and I knew I had to obey him. Zayn is my Alpha and I cannot ignore him.

“I met my mate yesterday. I promised I would meet him tonight,” I admitted in defeat with my head hung low.

“That is why you were so happy yesterday…” Zayn muttered under his breath, yet loud enough for me to hear. I nodded my head.

“Go then,” when he said that I looked up in surprise. Zayn gave me a small smile and he chuckled in amusement.

“I know I’m your Alpha, but did you forget we’re also best friends? I can tell that this mate of you makes you happy and I’m glad you finally found your other half. Just be careful okay?” He told me with sincerity in his eyes.

Careful for what?

“Go see your mate, and that’s a command,” Zayn joked and I smiled at him, glad to have an understanding friend like him in my life. My smile slightly faltered when the thought crossed my mind of Zayn finding out that my mate is actually Liam. I quickly pushed it to the back of my mind.

I nodded, “Thanks Zayn.” He nodded back in reply, I shifted into my wolf form, and I sprinted away into the night. Leaving Zayn behind me for a while and I fastened my pace to reach Liam quicker.

When I got close to the lake, I shifted back and I walked the last few feet like this. My blue eyes scanned the area, already looking for any sigh of the black wolf.

“Niall? Is that you?” A voice asked me and I turned around.

I was met with a lad who was a few inches taller than I was. He had light brown hair and kind brown eyes. He wore a blue hoodie and black tracking shorts. I immediately knew who he was.

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