Chapter 29 - Niall Horan

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Chapter 29 - Niall Horan

"Niall? Where are you?" Liam questioned. I bit my lip to suppress laughing aloud and I hid the best I could behind the tree.

"Come out, Niall. I know you're hiding here somewhere," Liam sing-songed. I could imagine the humoured smile on his gorgeous face and I couldn't help but smile myself.

Suddenly Liam jumped in front of me with a triumphant grin on his face, "Got you," he said before he jumped towards me and started poking me in my side making me burst out laughing and my eyes to widen slightly.

"Stop! Liam, stop it!" I managed to say between my giggles. Liam's smile widened but he didn't stop tickling me.

When my face started to become slightly red, he stopped tickling me and he nuzzled his face in my neck while I caught my breath.

He tapped my cheek and said, "Tag, you're it," before dashing away.

I smiled and started chasing him, for a while our laughter being the only sound you could hear.

That was until Louis walked up to us with Zara on his hip and James running around between his legs.

When James noticed us, he smiled and dashed towards us, bouncing all over the place, reminding me why Zayn gave him the nickname Fireball.

"Ni-Ni!" James greeted me, hanging on my leg while giggling and just being adorable.

"Hey, Fireball!" I cheered and ruffled his caramel coloured hair making him whine in protest.

"Is there a problem, Lou?" I could hear Liam ask the young father while I messed around a bit with James.

"Me and El are going to visit her family and the journey is too long to take the kids with us, God knows where James would run off to if we took him with us. I know this is a lot to ask and kind of last minute, but can the two of you please watch over James and Zara for a couple of days?" Louis said in one breath, giving us a hopeful look.

I gave Louis a sympathise look, remembering how we found out Eleanor's parents got ill and how Louis and El visited them often to take care of them.

The previous time they took James and Zara with them and James ran off, they found him a few days later crying and with a broken leg. To prevent another accident must be the reason why they decided to let James and Zara stay with us.

"Of course, Lou. Give El's parents our get well soon wishes, okay?" Liam replied with a gentle smile. Louis gave him a grateful smile and told Zara a few things, probably telling her to be a good girl and such.

Zara just giggled and pulled on his nose, making Louis wince slightly.

After a while, he put Zara down, who ran to Liam and asked to be picked up.

Louis turned to James - who was still hanging on my legs - and said with a pout, "James, doesn't daddy gets a hug?"

James giggled and ran towards his dad, jumping in Louis' open arms and I could hear Louis say, "Don't cause too much trouble, you hear me, Fireball?" James nodded, but I knew that if James was even a bit like Louis - which he is - that he would cause trouble.

"Thanks again, guys," Louis said once more.

"No problem, your kids are in good hands, don't worry," I said with a grin.

Louis nodded and gave his kids one last hug and 'I love yous' before he shifted into a large silver-grey wolf with blue eyes and white wings. He spread his wings, jumped into the air and flew away.

Liam turned to face me and James - who had bounced back to my side - and asked, "So, what are we going to do now?"

James put his hand up and when Liam nodded towards him he said, "Uncle Li, I'm hungry."

Liam furrowed his eyebrows. "It's dinner time in one hour, James. Then we can eat."

James pouted and I shuffled on my feet, Liam noticed and furrowed his eyebrows in confusion towards me. "Babe, are you okay?"

"I'm hungry, too," I muttered in reply with my best puppy-dog face, knowing he couldn't resist that.

"Alright, I guess we can go eat something then," he sighed in defeat and James whooped and started jumping around.


Official first chapter of 'Fight For You'!!!! :D

Sorry this is kinda short, but for all the drama that is going to happen, I decided to do a few fluff-filled chapters :) And what is better fluff than Niam being adorable with kids?

And this is also short so you could prepare yourself for the fluffness overload in the next few chapters hahah XD

This story is also nominated for the 'Bromance Awards (Summer 2015)' and it would mean a lot if you could vote for this story :) Just go to the comment section of the previous chapter and select the link I commented there. Thank you.

And this chapter is dedicated to @kadiebmore for nominating me, thank you, you're awesome :D
- Jack the Irish leprechaun

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