Chapter 21 - Liam Payne

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Chapter 21 – Liam Payne

I looked wide-eyed at the dark grey wolf in front of me; he had a light grey chest, black ears and dark blue eyes. I immediately knew this was Mike, my ancestor.

You’re Mike, aren’t you? I asked the Winged Werewolf, just to be sure.

Mike blinked and ruffled his large wings, Yes, I am. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you, Liam. He replied with a wolfs grin. He had a very deep voice that echoed around in my head like a thousand iron bells.

Are you ready to get your wings, young wolf? He asked me.

I sighed, I don’t know… I’m just… afraid that it won’t work, that we won’t be able to defeat Luke, I told him honestly. I will try to defeat him and I will fight, but I don’t know if it will be enough.

Do not let fear lead you in your life and cloud your judgment. You have to conquer your fears, only then you will be able to defeat Luke and defend your friends. He told me in his deep voice.

What if I fail? I asked.

Mike bought his large head closer to me so the only thing I could see were his deep blue eyes, You won’t. You are a Payne, and we don’t just give up. I know you will do anything to protect your loved ones, he told me, casting a quick glance at Niall who was talking to Harry. I know you will do anything to protect that boy. And the fire you have burning in your heart for him shines brighter than all Heaven’s Fire together. If the two of you work together, you can face any danger.

How do you know that? I asked in bewilderment.

Because I can see it in your heart and in your mate’s. The two of you have something special going on, a bound stronger than that between normal mates. Hold on to him and you will be fine. He said and I blinked in surprise.

A bound stronger than that between normal mates.

I looked up at Mike with a newly found hope in my heart, I will, thank you. I told him and he nodded. I’m ready to get my wings, Mike. I added.

I watched how the large wolf bowed down his head until his muzzle was touching my forehead. He breathed down on me and fire seeped out of him. I watched wide-eyed how the fire went to me and engulfed me in some kind of blanked. I could feel it being absorbed by my body and pulsing though my veins and my heart.

I looked down at my hand and saw much to my surprise that my veins were glowing in a soft golden light. Soon enough, the glowing disappeared but they kept their golden tint. I could hear Mike’s deep voice speaking in my mind.

Your body absorbed the Heavenly Fire and now you’re one of us, a Winged Werewolf. If you shift in your wolf later on, you will have your wings. Use your powers in the name of all that’s good and use it to defeat the evil, like me and the others did a long time ago. Always follow your heart, Liam. Your eyes can be fooled, your ears can misjudge, but not the heart. The heart always speaks the truth. He said and touched my head one more time.

Goodbye for now, youngling. He added and before I could say something else, the gigantic Winged Werewolf spread his wings and flew up, disappearing in the portal Harry created in the lake.

I looked up and saw that Afrael had already disappeared. Zayn was stood on the same spot he was before, looking out over the lake with a small smile. Louis was still speaking with Leon and I saw how the wolf placed his nuzzle against Louis’ head – just like Mike did with me – and I saw the golden-white fire going from the Winged Werewolf to my friend. When Louis had absorbed the fire Leon said a few more things to him before he too, disappeared. Leaving the three of us standing on the other side of the pentagram.

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