Chapter 30 - Liam Payne

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Thank you for all the votes, reads and comments so far! I never expected this book to become so 'populair' (heck, I never even thought I would reach 1K views!) Yer here it is, in all it's 23K glory!

So a massive thank you to every single one of you, you're truly incredible! Never let anyone tell you otherwise :)

Here's the next chapter (dedicated to all of you!) I hope you like it and make sure you vote/comment!

Chapter 30 - Liam Payne

I laughed aloud at Niall's irritated face, Niall in reply shot me a slight glare and mumbled something under his breath, it was too low for me to hear, but clearly, Zara did heard what Niall said for her eyes widened drastically.

She looked at me, "Ni said bad word," she said with a pout.

I raised my eyebrows and said, "Louis is going to murder you when he finds out you cursed around his kids."

"I can't help it that this ice cream doesn't work along!" He defended himself, glaring at the chocolate mint ice cream I got him.

We had decided to get some ice cream and Niall being Niall, got it smeared all over his face. He was being a bit grumpy about it.

"Then you shouldn't smear it all over your face," I laughed, "even Zara is a neater eater than you, and she's barely two!" I exclaimed, pointing at the young girl who cleaned her chin with a napkin.

"James also isn't a neat eater..." he grumbled, glaring at James. I looked at James, who was completely covered in strawberry ice cream.

"James is a child," I said.

Just when I had said that, I felt something cold and sticky being pushed against my jaw. I looked sceptically down at James who was innocently licking his ice cream.

I narrowed my eyes when Niall suddenly bust out laughing, Zara looked at me wide-eyed exclaimed with a giggle, "Ice on face, Li-Li!"

"James," I tried to say sternly.

He looked up at me with his wide blue eyes and most innocent smile, "Yes, Liam?" He said polity.

"Did you put ice cream on my face?" I asked the boy, who was too much like Louis for his own good.

"No, I didn't!" James said, furiously shaking his head.

I arched one of my eyebrows and gave him a pointed look.

"It was Niall!" He quickly added when he realized I didn't believed him.

"Hey! Don't drag me into this!" Niall commented, "I didn't do it, Liam! It was James, I saw him do it!"

"No, you did it! I'm innocent!" James whined with teary eyes.

Niall snorted, "Innocent my arse, I know you did it!"

Zara didn't comment on anything, she just giggled to herself.

I looked back and forth between the two, wondering who was the real child. Niall or James.

"Hey!" I interrupted the two, "James I know it was you. I have strawberry ice cream on my face, and you're the only one with strawberry ice cream." I sighed.

"It wasn't me," James muttered with his arms crossed.

This is going to be a long day, I thought to myself

☆ ☆ ☆

"I love you, Niall," I said randomly, making him blush lightly.

"Love you too, Li," Niall replied, sweetly kissing my cheek. He rested his head on my shoulder and watched James and Zara play with each other with a gentle smile on his face.

I happily sighed and snuggled closer into his side, making Niall kiss the top of my head and wrap his arms around me, pulling me closer into his side.

"Is there any reason you're so cuddly today? Not that I'm complaining," Niall gently asked.

I shrugged my shoulders, "I just feel like hugging you, is that such a grime?" I questioned him, poking his cheek.

Niall didn't reply, instead he gently stroked my cheek before pressing his lips against mine in an innocent kiss.

Like every time he kissed me, a wildfire burned though my veins, heating me up and making my heart soar high up in the sky. I felt alive.

"What are you doing?" James suddenly asked, bringing us out of our bubble and reminding us we had an audience.

"Uhm..." Niall said dumbly, having no idea what to say to the noisy boy.

"They were kissing!" Zara giggled.

"No, we weren't," I said, "we were... giving each other a swiss," I dumbly said, mentally slapping myself across the face for my stupidy.

Really, Liam? Swiss? Niall asked telepathically, humour swirling in his bright blue eyes.

James stared at me for a while before shrugging his shoulders and continuing his game of tag with Zara.

"Why do we always keep getting interrupted by a Tomlinson?" Niall asked aloud.

"Must be in the Tomlinson genre," I mumbled and Niall laughed, agreeing with me.

"You're actually right for once!" He exclaimed and I narrowed my eyes, Niall just smiled innocently in return.

Sorry I update a bit later than usual this Friday, my apologies for that! But here it is! :D

Anyway, what did you thought of it? Hope you liked the fluff and cute stuff, for the drama will start to build up next chapter! You have been warned ;) What do you think will happen?

Lately I noticed I am getting less comments on my chapters, is there a reason for that or so? Haha XD Please don't be a ghost reader, I love to hear from you all! Whenever I see someone commented something nice, I feel happy and it motivates me in writing and updating earlier! So b please comment!

Critics are also welcome (I love them actually!) For I love to improve my writing, so if you have something to say, please say it! Your voice matters!

Also, if you have the time please check out my new story Boy Almighty and tell me what you think of it! I entered that story for the Wattys2015 and the official challenge from wattpad (JustWriteIt)

If you loved the chapter and you read this all please comment 'Niam af' in the comment section :)

Goal for earlier update: 24K reads, 1.3K votes and 700 comments on the whole book :)

All the love,

- Jack the Irish leprechaun

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