Chapter 32 - Niall Horan

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I'm sorry about not updating at all the last month, some things were going on in my life I rather not talk about. But I'm picking my writing up again and try to go back to my usual schedule, so don't worry okay?

But here's the new chapter for Fight For You! And because the update took so long, I've added the last few paragraphs of the previous chapter underneath this note, just in case you forgot what happened back then :) Enjoy the update! At the side you have a picture of Niall watching sports XD

Previous chapter:

"What's wrong?" I immediately said when I noticed Phylicia's worried expression.

"I just don't get it..." she said with a shake of her head. When I gave her a questioning look she added, "Before he left, I talked with Harry about the Winged Werewolves, and one of the things he told me is that they can rarely get ill."

She gave Liam a concerned look, "Liam always has been someone to rarely get ill, and when he was he recovered pretty quickly. When he became a Winged Werewolf it should have been impossible for him to get ill at all."

I gulped nervously, "What does this mean?"

"It means that Liam could be in danger."

Chapter 32 - Niall Horan

I stared at Phylicia wide-eyed, trying to follow what she just said, "What do you mean Liam could be in danger? He will get better, right?" I asked frantically.

Phylicia placed her hand on Liam's head and sighed, "I have no idea honestly, this is something I have never seen before. At first, it looked like a fever but there's something else that worries me..." she muttered, I kept silent and listened closely to what she had to say. "When I was treating him he kept muttering about 'balance', 'disturbed' and 'a price to pay.'"

"A price to pay because the balance was disturbed? That doesn't makes any sense at all!" I protested, shaking my head.

"You might be wrong about that, I think there's something we don't know. An important part we're ignoring or forgetting about," she told me. "I think Harry might know more about this and a way to save Liam, but..."

"Harry still hasn't returned," I finished for her. Phylicia nodded in agreement.

"Try asking Leah instead, she might know something. I watch over Liam," she offered and I looked concerned at my mate.

After Luke was killed, I had hoped all our problems would be over and we could just life in peace and build a steady relationship, but it seems like it's not over yet.

"Don't worry, I make sure nothing happens to him while you're gone," she added and I nodded, sprinting out of the house to search for Leah – who's probably with Zayn.

When Harry had left, Leah moved in with Zayn and the two of them spend every waking moment together since then.

"Teigan!" I yelled when I saw a familiar blonde girl. Before the packs were fused together, Teigan belonged to the Silver Moon pack, the same as me and Zayn.

"Can I do something for you, Alpha Niall?" She asked me curiously. From the two packs, me and Liam became the Alphas. Zayn was also offered that position, but he declined. Zayn is not interested in that stuff anymore, mostly he just wants to spend time with Leah. Louis is still the Beta.

"Did you happen to have seen Zayn and Leah?" I asked her hopefully.

"I believe they are at their home," she answered.

"Thanks Teigan!" I yelled after her when I ran towards their house which was at the other side of the town the pack was located. I lightly cursed under my breath and fastened my pace, reaching their house after a while.

Zayn and Leah lived in a small cottage, it wasn't that much but it seemed to be good enough for them and they're happy. That's all that matters.

I stopped in front of their door and knocked a few times, waiting impatiently until Zayn opened the door with a curious look. "Niall? What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be babysitting James and Zara?" He asked me.

"Zayn, I need to talk with Leah. It's important," I said, ignoring his questions. Zayn seemed to have heard the urgency in my voice for he nodded and opened the door wider.

"She's in the kitchen," he stated and I thanked him, finding my way to the kitchen where I found Leah preparing some turkey sandwiches.

When she heard me enter, she looked up in surprise and asked, "Can I help you Niall? With you and Liam watching over Zara and James you barely visited."

"It's about Liam, something is going on and Phylicia said you might know more," that caught her full attention for she completely turned towards me. "Liam became ill, but apparently Winged Werewolves can't get ill, right?"

Leah nodded concerned, "Ever since Harry was turned his body seemed to have made some kind of super immune system that protects him against nearly every illness," she told me, "so it's weird for Liam to become ill. Does Phylicia knows what it could be?"

I sadly shook my head, "She has no idea and she told me she had never seen something like that before. Harry might know about it, but he's not back yet..."

"And that's why you came to me," she noted and I nodded my head in agreement. "Tell me something about this illness then, I might know something to help."

"It looks like a fever; he has a high temperature and a headache. But he keeps muttering something about balance, disturbed and a price to pay. That worried Phylicia the most," I told her, recalling it the best I could.

"Could he be talking about the balance between dark and light?" She muttered to herself after a while.

"What is that?" I asked curiously.

A frown appeared on her face, "I don't really know much about it. But Harry once told me that it's a high form of magic that unites dark and light and protects the balance. If it's disturbed, a high price will be paid." She whispered.

"Magic that unites dark and light..." I said in slight awe. "It could be Liam is talking about that, it explains the stuff he keeps muttering about."

"But if it's indeed about the balance between dark and light... why is Liam the one who has to pay?" I voiced. Telling Leah my biggest worry and question.

She shook her head, "I think Harry is the only one who can answer that question."

Sorry if it's kinda short or anything. I just haven't updated in like forever and I just HAD to update something you know? But this chapter is finished and I'm going to try updating this again next week ^^

In case you haven't noticed yet.... I purposedly did this in Niall's POV and not Liam's. Liam's POV won't happen in a while, simply because I don't want to spoil anything yet. I will mostly be doing Zayn, Niall and Louis. Harry too when he returns. Maybe Leah/Phylicia if some of you want that :)

What do you think is going to happen next? Will Harry return soon? Where's Louis? And what will Niall and the others do?

- Jack the Irish leprechaun

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