Chapter 41 - Niall Horan

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Geesh... I really need to get my shit together. It has been WAY to long XD A free tip for you all; try not to write more than 10 stories at once. It's horrible and it only confuses you, believe me on that one. Because it has been such a shit long time, I added a lil recap from the previous chapter to refresh your memories a bit. At the very least this chapter is slightly long-ish and not too bad if I have to say so myself.

Chapter 41 - Niall Horan

*previous chapter*

A howling scream left my throat and I staggered backwards, shocked at the appearance of the creature. It was more monstrous than any demon I had ever encountered. Harry shot me an alarmed look. The creature's head shot towards me at well, soundless and tilted at an impossible angle.

The face of the creature looked like that of a man. But where his eyes should be, empty sockets were focused my way. The skin was grayish and was cut away on some parts, showing the white of the skull underneath. A nose was missing, the creature was bald and its mouth was stitched close.

Don't react that way! Harry warned me telepathically, almost sounding panicked. He's from The Guard and they are easily offended!

Oh shit.



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The hair on my neck stood up straight and I nervously looked at the creature standing in front of me. I know Harry had warned me to watch my reactions around them, but I just couldn't help myself. My body seemed to move on its own.

The creature looked at me – or I thought it did, you can't say for sure when it hasn't even eyes – and I felt chilled to the bone. My muscles completely tensed up and if Harry had not hit my shoulder I wouldn't even have realized I was growling.

"Get yourself together! Do you wish to die?!" He hissed lowly at me.

They creep me out, I replied.

I know. They creep everyone out. Just keep in mind that they are the only ones capable of saving Liam, he said telepathically. The only other being might be Michael himself, but we don't exactly have any other favours to ask of Heaven.

Suddenly, the thing stood straight in front of me. The smell of graveyard dirt and bones hit my nostrils and I could see something move underneath its skin. I did not want to think about what it could possibly be. A boned, clawed hand stretched towards Liam and instinctively, I moved back.

"Niall, let them," Harry said, a warning under his tone not to offend them even more.

I forced myself to stand still and to let the creature come close. The creature did not touch Liam. Its bony hand hovered just above Liam's skin, its clawed fingers moving in a rhythm. It was almost like the creature was examining Liam's very soul to see what was wrong.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2017 ⏰

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