Chapter 12 - Harry Styles

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Chapter 12 – Harry Styles

I lazily yawned and sprawled on top of the rock that was being warmed by the morning sun. I closed my eyes and sighed in content.

“HARRY!!!” Someone shrieked. My eyes shot open and I jumped a few feet in the air, landing on the ground with a thud. My head poked out from behind the rock to glare at the girl who had disturbed my slumber.

A tall girl with chocolate brown curly hair and piercing green eyes marched up to me. I raised my eyebrows at her in a questioning way.

“Can I do something for you, dear sister?” I questioned her with a smirk.

“Harry, someone fell of the cliff.” She said and my head perked up, eyes wide.

Knowing she had my full attention, she continued. “I was walking past the river and I saw two wolves fighting on top of the cliff. They fell towards the river, but one of them could save himself by shifting back last minute and holding on to a rock. The other wasn’t so lucky.” She frowned.

I placed my hands on the rock and pushed myself up, sitting down cross-legged. “Is the wolf that fell… death?” I asked nervously, scratching my scalp.

“No, I don’t think so at least.” She said and I nodded jumping in the air, mid-air I shifted in my wolf and I landed on the ground on all fours.

I looked down at my sister and said telepathically. Where are we waiting for then? Let’s go!” I commanded and ran towards the cliff. I didn’t stop to wait for her, but I knew she was right behind me. She was the fastest wolf I knew, no one could keep up with her.

Soon enough she sped past me, the sunlight hitting her brown curly fur.

We stopped by the river and I sniffed the air, trying to catch the scent of this wolf we were searching for. There he is! Leah piped up and she sprinted away from me.

I followed her with my electric green eyes and saw her sprinting to a body of a boy who was lying numbly on the shore. I was quick to follow my sister with a lump in my throat.

When I stood next to her I looked down at the boy. He looked to be around eighteen, maybe nineteen years old. He had pitch-black hair that stuck on his face with dried blood and water. His skin had a slightly tanned tint. He had a bloodied nose and a deep scratch mark above his left eye that was surely going to leave a scar. His right arm was bended in an uncomfortable looking way, clearly broken. He looked terrible.

But the most important part is that he’s still alive. His chest rose and fell in a slow rhythm. In some ways it surprised me he was still alive, it was quite a fall.

The cliff was around twenty feet high with rocks underneath it and a river close-by. I scanned his broken arm once more; assuming he fell on his arm, which saved his life. If he had fallen on his head, he would have squished it with his fall without a doubt, and if he fell on his back, he would have broken his spine, which can be deathly for werewolves.

He was lucky.

I shifted back and gently placed my hand on his forehead, feeling it burning up under my touch with a fever. I eyebrows furrowed and I looked at my sister.

“He also has a fever. We need to bring him back to our temporary home, otherwise he will surely die.” I told her and she nodded wide-eyed. 

I placed one of my arms around his shoulders and the other supporting his back. I picked him up bridal style and speed walked back home, Leah hot on my heels.

• • •

“I have to break his bones again…” I grumbled, holding the boy’s wrist in my large hands. Turning them around in my hold.

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