Chapter 8 - Louis Tomlinson

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Happy new year!!! :D I wish you all a happy, creative and fantastic 2015!!! Greetings from Ireland!

Chapter 8 – Louis Tomlinson

“I know what you are thinking and don’t, let him be. Liam knows what he is doing, he’s our Alpha, remember.  Eleanor tried to reason with me.

“El, listen to me!” I whined, “Liam is going to meet Niall! If I follow him I can figure out who this Niall person is!”

She gave me a pointed look, “And if Liam finds out you followed him you’re in deep trouble.”

I pouted and walked up to her, wrapping my arms around her body – being careful for her large swollen belly – and nuzzling my face in her neck, peppering it with kisses.

“I’ll be back soon, my love,” I purred in her ear, “I just want to know what Liam is up to, it’s my job as his best friend.” I gave her a quick peck on the cheek before I pulled back and gave her a bright smile.

“Okay,” she finally agreed and I mentally fist-pumped, “just be careful okay?”

I raised my eyebrows, “Careful for what, love? Liam is my best friend, he won’t hurt me,” I chuckled.

“It’s just…” she stopped to search for the right words to voice her thoughts, “you know Liam isn’t a secretive person. We questioned him about this Niall for a few hours and the only thing we got out of him was Niall’s name. Isn’t that a bit weird?” I frowned when I realized she was right, as always.

I know Liam like no one else does, we’re best friends, brothers almost. And in the many years I have known him he never kept secrets from me, and then he found his mate and he tells nothing about him.

“I’m sure he has his own reasons, he always does.” I mumbled.

“I’ll go now. I’m back soon, I promise.” I told her. “Go to sleep, you need to rest.” I added while I gave her a lingering kiss on her forehead.

I let go of her and watched her waddle towards our bedroom, when she had opened the door she turned back towards me with a smirk, “Try not to get in too much trouble, will you?”

I laughed slightly, “I try.”

When she had closed the door and I was sure she would be all right, I left our home to follow Liam’s track. I shifted in my grey wolf and I sniffed the air, trying to catch his scent.

When I found Liam’s musky scent, I followed it. Occasionally, I stopped running to sniff the air, just to make sure I was still going in the right way. Seems like he’s going towards the lake. Not that I blame him, the lake is beautiful at night and a great place to have a date with your mate. The only downside is that it’s the border between the Blue Mountain pack and the Silver Moon pack, but I’m sure Liam knows what he’s doing.

I pressed my body closer to the ground when Liam’s scent became stronger, signalling he was close. There also was another scent, probably Niall.

I slowly tiptoed towards them, trying to get as close as possible without them seeing me. I could hear them talking to each other, but I was too far away to make out words.

Finally, I saw them.

Liam was walking hand in hand with a blond-haired guy – Niall – swinging their joined hands back and ford. I could tell that Niall was telling him a story, for I saw his lips moving. I still could not hear what he was saying so I tried to get closer to them.

When Niall’s scent hit my nostrils, I stiffened and sniffed the air. I know that scent, every wolf in the Blue Mountain pack is familiar with it, because it’s the scent of a Silver Moon wolf.

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