Chapter 18 - Liam Payne

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Chapter 18 – Liam Payne

“How are you so sure this is going to work?” I questioned Harry with a frown. The curly haired lad was bending down to his knees, right next to the lake where I first met Niall all this time ago. He was putting small rocks down in some design and he was drawing symbols in the sand.

He said he was going to make a pentagram to summon the Winged Werewolves; Leon Tomlinson, Afrael Malik and Mike Payne back to this world to ask for their help. I didn’t knew much about summoning Heavenly creatures and I knew totally basically nothing about those we were going to summon, recently I learned that Mike is/was my ancestor. For all I knew they could be pissed that we summoned them and they could destroy us with their Heavenly Fire. I’m probably exaggerating here, but still!

Harry shortly looked up before focussing back on his work, “Because I have done this before.” He replied vaguely. I frowned at that but decided not to press his buttons. In the short time I have known the Werewolf King, I have learned he’s a reserved person and doesn’t shares his thoughts and past with others.

I nodded and decided to let him be. I turned around and walked to the woods, trying to find Niall or Louis to talk with.

“Liam! Hold on!” I heard someone yell after me and I tensed, my wolf growling lightly. I spun around with narrowed eyes and faced Zayn who stopped in front of me. “What do you want, Zayn?” I snapped at him.

He flinched from the harsh tone of my words and he gave me a hopeful look. “I came to apologize.” He whispered, awkwardly looking away from me.

I raised my eyebrows in surprise – never expecting him to say that – and decided to let him continue. Zayn awkwardly fumbled with his thumbs while he looked everywhere but at me. Finally, he met my eyes and blurted out, “I have been a huge dick to you since… well, since the beginning and I agree that was very immature of me. Judging you without actually knowing you, I mean. Also, sorry for attacking you on that cliff out of nowhere, that was just stupid on my side.”

He looked me straight in the eye. “You need to know, Liam. I did it all for Niall, for the intentions of protecting him at least. He’s like the brother I never had, and I was just afraid of you hurting him, which I now see is just ridiculous. I want what’s best for my best friend, and if that’s you, I just need to accept it.” He told me clearly, to let me know he was death serious about his words. When he had said that, he looked down.

I remembered the moment Niall told me about Zayn. How he had stood up for him against his pack when they just met and how they became best friends.

That was when I realized that Zayn actually wasn’t that bad as I first believed him to be.

I took a step towards Zayn and placed my hand on his shoulder, making him look up in surprise. “I forgive you,” I told him, making him look at me like I was going crazy. “And I think I should also apologize, I also haven’t always been the nicest to you either.” I added.

Zayn tilted his head to the side and seemed to think about that. “Let’s call a truce?” He offered. I nodded and shook his outstretched hand, “A truce.” I agreed with a firm nod of my head.

“This does not mean we’re immediately friends,” I warned him, brining my hand back to my side.

“Wasn’t expecting it.” He said with a grin.

“FINALLY!!!” A third voice yelled, making both me and Zayn jump in shock. I looked up at the tree and saw – much to my surprise and amusement – Louis seated on a thick branch, swinging his legs back and forth. God knows what he was doing there. He jumped down and landed right in front of us, only to swing one of his arms around my shoulder, and the other around Zayn’s. “It took some time, both of you nearly got killed and some sense knocked into your thick skulls. But the two of you finally put that stupid feud behind you!” Louis said, grinning wildly as if he discovered a long lost treasure.

“How did that feud even start? I never got it,” he quizzed.

I shrugged my shoulders, “I have honestly no idea. Since my birth I was just taught to hate the Malik’s.” I told him.

“I also don’t know,” Zayn agreed with me.

Louis’ jaw dropped and he looked between us in pure disbelief. “You seriously spent nearly twenty years of your lives hating each other, and you don’t even know why?!” He asked, disbelief lasing in his tone.

“Uhm… pretty much?” I said.

“Yup,” Zayn said at the exact same time. Louis released us from his hold and mumbled something that sounded like ‘why are Alpha’s so thick-headed all the time?’

“Wait… were you eavesdropping us?” I asked after a while of Louis cursing the Alpha’s existence under his breath.

He looked up at me with his clear blue eyes, “I was just seated in the tree and you two happened to walk by and I just happened to hear your conversation.” He told me.

“In other words, you were eavesdropping?” Zayn pressed.

“No, I wasn’t.” Louis huffed.

Zayn raised one of his eyebrows. “Then, what do you call it, Tomlinson?”

Louis smirked, “Eavesdropping,” he said with a laugh.

Zayn just stared at him and I shook my head. “Have you seen Niall?” I asked Louis.

“Yes, I did.” He replied and I waited for him to tell me where he saw Niall, but he didn’t. “Can you tell me where you saw him?” I asked further.

“In the sky,” he replied and I raised my eyebrows. “The last time I saw him he was chasing birds high up in the sky, he sure loves flying.” He elaborated. “Not that I could blame him, I would also love to fly like a… like a… like a PIGEON!” He said, yelling the last word.

“Why a pigeon?” Zayn asked, looking generally confused.

Louis slowly turned to Zayn, looking him straight in the eye without blinking for at least a minute, until Zayn shifted his weight from his left to his right foot awkwardly. “Because pigeons are awesome.” He said in a funny voice, making me nearly choke on my laughter I – somehow successfully – tried to supress.

Louis gave us his famous Louis-smile before he turned around on his heels and dramatically walked away, wiggling his butt our way. He shifted in his silver-grey wolf and strutted away towards the lake, where Harry was still finishing the pentagram.

Both me and Zayn watched the direction Louis disappeared to for a couple of minutes before Zayn finally broke the silence with saying, “Your friend is weird.”

I nodded, “I agree.”

Because I have left you guys with so many cliffhangers recently I decided to go easy this time and leave you guys with a non-cliffhanger chappie :) That, and once in a while you just nead to do a funny chapter, don't you agree?

Sorry for the people who expected 'Niam fluff' (how some of you so nicely put it) but I can promise you that the next chapter will have it! Kay? Kay.

Let me know what you think of this update. On this chapter I mostly wanted to focus on Liam and Zayn's ' truce', what's your opinion/thoughts on that? Will they end up being friends eventually, or will they just remain stubborn? What about Harry's pentagram and the summoning of Liam, Zayn and Louis' ancestors? How will that go? Will Zayn and Liam ever figure out what started the feud between their families? What about Luke? What's going to happen next? Predictions?

Also, don't forget to check out Tale of the Werewolf King (thank you to the people who do) that story explains a great deal and it has spoilers for the other books in the series. They are well hidded but they are there nevertheless ;)

Goal for earlier update: 12.6K reads, 600 votes and 500 comments on the whole book

- Jack the Irish leprechaun

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