Chapter 3 - Niall Horan

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Chapter 3 – Niall Horan

My white paws padded across the forest floor, nervously taking another sniff of the air around me. Around the border of our territory, I smelled an unfamiliar smell of another wolf. The wolf was not in the Silver Moon pack, also not in the Blue Mountain pack.

It smelled like a Rogue.

And that’s not good. Not at all. Therefore, when I recognized it as a Rogue I immediately shifted in my wolf-shape, planning to track him or her down.

And if there are more Rogues I need to get the Warriors, Hunters and Zayn to scare them far away.

My ears perked up when I heard a twig snap. I looked up just in time to see an unfamiliar grey with black wolf jump out of the bushes, its teeth bared. I quickly jumped out of the way to avoid his attack and stood in a defence pose.

The wolf turned around and made himself as tall as possible with his chest puffed out. I scanned my opponent and concluded it was indeed a Rogue. Even though it was not the same wolf I smelled the first time. The first Rogue somehow smelled like mint and forest, this one smelled foul. 

He was pretty small and skinny for a male werewolf, probably he hasn’t eaten well in a couple of months. I was not the biggest wolf, I was of medium height, but in compensation to this one I was pretty tall.

He charged again, but this time I did not jump away like he probably predicted. I also charged towards him, using my weight and height in my advantage to knock him to the ground.

We were snarling and biting at each other’s neck trying to win. Dust flew up from our movements. I was in the overhand when suddenly another wolf jumped on my back, pushing me to the ground.

I looked up and saw a white wolf with a black tail and ear. He had scars all over his chest – from previous battles – and was more from my height. The small wolf stood up from the tree I smashed him against and snarled at me, I snarled back trying to get up. But the white wolf had a good grip on me, preventing me from getting up.

I started to struggle when suddenly a third wolf appeared. A female this time.

She was a chocolate brown coloured wolf with electric green eyes and the strange thing was that she had a curly fur. As far as I can remember I never saw a wolf with a curly fur.

Her eyes met mine and she gave me a wolfish grin and ran swiftly towards me and pushed the white wolf of my back.

Don’t worry, I got your back. She told me telepathically. She definitely isn’t from this country. I could detect an exotic accent. East European maybe?

I nodded at the curly wolf and faced the other two wolves who watched the female in what seemed to be like surprise.

She stood next to me and also faced the two wolves with a snarl on her face. The Rogues clearly realized that they couldn’t win so they turned around and ran away.

Well, that was easy. I would have hoped on a good fight, the female next to me said while she scratched behind her ear.

I’m glad they’re gone, this is the Silver Moon territory. There is no place for Rogues here. I told her.

She stopped with what she was doing to look at me and then I realized that she was the Rogue I was originally searching for. My eyes widened.

You’re a Rogue! I snarled at her.

Her eyes flashed and soon I was pinned by the ground. She stood snarling above me with blazing eyes. Be careful with what you say Beta, you don’t know with who you’re dealing with. She snapped at me.

I don’t get you, you are a Rogue. Yet you help me – a wolf in a pack – and you attack your fellow Rogues. Why? I questioned her.

Not all Rogues are like what you think. And I wasn’t born a Rogue, I had to leave my packs territory with my brother to save our line from destruction, something that can NOT happen. She told me in what seemed to be sadness.

And I helped you because I couldn’t let a wolf get killed for no reason at all. Especially someone important like you. She told me.

I blinked in surprise. Important? What is so important about me? You will see when the time is right. She told me like she could read my mind.

She stepped off me and sat down in front of me with her tail curled around herself. I also sat down diagonally from her and looked around. Where is your brother? And who were those Rogues, they seemed like they knew you.  I questioned.

My brother had to take care of something. And those Rogues are after us, together with more, since we fled from Romania a long time ago. But they are gone for now. She said.

She was interrupted when we heard a low and long howl coming from the distance. Her ears perked up and she howled back. It was nice meeting you Niall, but I need to go now. That was my brother who needs me with something. She hurriedly said and stood up. How did she know my name?

Wait! I called after her when she was about to leave. She stopped in her tracks and looked back at me. What’s your name? I questioned.

She blinked and looked like she had an inner battle with herself. Like she wasn’t sure if she should tell me her name or not. Finally she decided to tell me.

Leah. My name is Leah. She told me before she sped away. She was gone and out of sight in less than a second.

She’s fast.

I shook my head, trying to progress what just happened before I left to go back to my packs territory. When I was nearly there I decided against it.

Why not go to the lake first? To clear my head.

A new character is introduced! This is Leah, played by the awesome @Awsomepeeps!! Chapter is dedicated to her. Leah is going to be an important character in this story, together with her brother who's Harry! Harry Styles is Leah's brother here. What do you think about them? Let me know in the comments!

*hint* *hint* Liam and Niall are going to meet in the next chapter! :P How do you think they will meet? Thoughts? Suggestions?

Have a nice day/evening you fabulous Sharkicorns.

- Jack the Irish leprechaun

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