Chapter 35 - Niall Horan

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1D is NOT breaking up! They will come back! Don't believe in the rumors. They promised they would come back, you just have to believe in them. Aye?

I said what I wanted to say, now you can go and read the next chappie :)

Chapter 35 - Niall Horan

I sighed and leaned back against the headboard in Phylicia's guest room. Ever since Liam was taken in for closer examination, I had refused to leave his side. Phylicia had suggested a couple of days ago that I at least slept in a bed at night. I refused at first. But with a lot of coaxing, begging and even some threats, I finally agreed.

A while ago Zayn had come to watch over Zara and James instead. He told me I needed to put my full focus into Liam and that he would take care of the Tomlinson children. I was grateful to have a friend like Zayn in my life.

I moved on my stomach and pressed my face into the cushion Phylicia had so kindly given me. A thud from downstairs made my head perk up. A cry could be heard and I shot up from bed, recognizing it to be Liam.

I couldn't sleep anyway. So I might as well check up on him.

What if he had another nightmare? I thought to myself, my heart aching towards my poor mate.

At day Liam had a high fever and even hallucinations once in a while. And lately, nightmares plagued his mind at night. I wanted nothing more than to stay with him, to hold him against me and protect him. But Phylicia said I could leave Liam better alone at night.

Again, I didn't fully agreed with it. But Phylicia was the pack doctor, so she knew what she was doing.

I padded downstairs and poked my head out of the doorway that led to the living room. Because of Liam's high fever it could be dangerous to move him too much, so we had decided to let him rest on the couch.

Liam wasn't on the couch.

My eyes widened and I jumped into the room. Surveying the area in the hopes of spotting him. I found him curled in on himself on the floor. He was lightly shaking.

"Liam," I whispered softly. Liam's head shot up and he watched wide-eyed how I walked up towards him. I help up my hands. "I'm not going to hurt you, I just want to know if you're okay."

Something seemed to flash in his eyes – guilt? – and he looked away from my concerned gaze.

I decided to ignore it and kneeled down next to him. "Another nightmare?" I whispered. I took Liam's silence as a yes.

"Want to talk about it?" I offered. Every day the answer was the same though. Liam did not want to talk about it.

It kind of hurt me he didn't want to tell me where his nightmares were about. But on the other hand, he seemed totally terrified by them. Wherever Liam dreamed about, it couldn't be good. But if he ever wanted to talk about them, I would listen to him.

I hope Harry will return soon, I thought to myself.

I sighed. "Let me at least help you up on the couch," I offered instead. Liam did not disagree so I saw it as my cue to help him up.

I placed my arms under his armpits and hauled him up from the ground, gently placing him down on the couch. All the time Liam avoided eye contact with me.

I fluffed the cushion up a bit more and placed it back underneath him head. I bended down again and took the duvet that was crumbled on the floor. I put it back over Liam.

With my hand I stroked some hair out of his eyes. His hair was clued to his skin with sweat and his skin was still feverish hot.

I stood up and went to the kitchen, getting a cloth and wetting it with cold water before returning to Liam's side.

The cloth was pressed to Liam's forehead and he closed his eyes and sighed in content. A gentle smile grazed my lips and I gazed lovingly down at him. No matter what, I would protect him.

"Don't worry Liam, I will take care of you," I promised him firmly, continuing to wet his face with the cloth.

After I had cleaned up his face I lightly dabbed his shoulders, carefully grazing the scar on his shoulder before returning to the kitchen and putting the cloth away.

I went back to Liam's side and gently combed my fingers through his sticky hair, hoping to ease some tension out of him.

"I love you Ni... always remember that," Liam's weak voice asked unexpectedly.

I stopped running my fingers through his hair and looked at my mate wide-eyed. Liam hasn't talked much since he got ill, only some rambled words that most of the times didn't even made sense.

Liam closed his eyes and seemed to go back to sleep.

I bended over him and lightly kissed his forehead. "I love you too, Li. More than anything else," I whispered.

A slightly short chappie... sorry about that. But I decided to make one more (kinda?) cute chapter before drama is about to go down for real. Also my apologies about not updating for a while, to put it simple; I need to get my shit together.

What are your thought about the story so far? Enjoying it? When will Harry return and will he be on time to warn the others? What's going on with Liam? And when will Louis come back? Predictions?! Let me know what you think! I love hearing from you all ^^

All the love as always xx

- Jack the Irish leprechaun

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