Chapter 11 - Niall Horan

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Chapter 11 – Niall Horan

I had not expected Zayn to attack Liam like that. What the hell is his problem? I know Zayn and Liam don’t exactly like each other, but Zayn attacking Liam? Doesn’t that goes a bit too far?

One moment me and Liam were walking next to each other, engrossed in our own personal bubble. And before I could say ‘cookie’ a black with blond wolf attacked my mate. I immediately recognized him to be Zayn, why wouldn’t I recognize my best friend?

For a while I stood there like an idiot with my jaw basically touching the ground, when my senses came back I jumped into action.

I padded towards the two fighting wolves, being careful not to get hit. Guys! Stop this! I yelled telepathically at them both. But the airheads did not seem to hear me, they only had eyes for each other, the enemy. They were circling around each other, snarling and howling. It actually surprised me that no one else seemed to hear them.

LIAM!! ZAYN!! STOP FIGHTING!!! I yelled in my never before used Alpha voice. I snarled in irritation when they did not seem to hear me and I tried to pounce at them, to push them apart from each other. But it was like trying to move a brick wall with my bare hands, nearly impossible.

They were rolling over the ground, and came closer and closer to the cliff. My heart stopped beating and I froze on my place, looking horrified at the scene that unfolded right in front of my own eyes. I wanted to help, but it was like my feet were clued to the ground underneath my white paws. It almost was like some power took over, to prevent me from moving to help my mate and best friend.

No. No. Please, no. I told myself repeatedly.

Before I knew what was happening they tumbled down the cliff, to the river below. A terrified whine escaped my throat and the power released me. I raced forwards, my ears completely flat on top of my head and I nervously looked down the cliff, fearing for the worst.

My heart skipped a beat when I saw that Liam was alive. He was holding on to the edge of the cliff. He had many bruises and scratch marks decorating his body, his hands were bloody and he had a deep wound on his shoulder where Zayn bit him, but he was alive.

“Niall!” He said when he saw me. “Help!”

I shifted back to my human form and held my hand out for Liam to take. “Take my hand, I pull you up!” I yelled down to him. He looked at me with his brown eyes. “Trust me, I won’t let anything happen to you, I promise.” I added when I saw his unsure eyes.

That seemed to be everything he needed to hear, because he nodded and one of his bloody hands gripped my own. Because of the blood, his hand was slippery, but I wasn’t letting go. Not now, not ever.

I used all my strength to pull him up, but it didn’t seemed to be enough. Damn Liam, and his heavy muscles. But I wasn’t giving up. With my other hand I gripped his arm and tried to pull him up.

Suddenly, another pair of hands appeared next to me, gripping Liam’s back and together we managed to haul him up. When Liam was lying on the ground, gasping, I looked up and locked eyes with Louis.

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