Chapter 40 - Excuse Me?!

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Breakfast was uneventful, sort of. Jackson had an idea that he was going to try and feed Andy and what a spectacle that was. Andy has decided that he wanted to eat by himself and did not need any sort of help from anyone, Jackson had decided that Andy hated him.

Hence why I am currently looking for a heartbroken child who has many places to hide in the pack house, seeing as there were multiple safe places and panic rooms.

"Jackson, come on sweetie, you know that Andy doesn't hate you." At this point we had been looking for Jackson for over an hour and I was slowly starting to panic, when Jackson had one of these moods, he would get bored of hiding and he would come out after about 20 minutes asking for ice cream. This was by far the longest time he had been hiding from any of us.

Just as I was about to contact the pack to start looking around the grounds, I heard the slightest shuffle, it sounded like shoes being scuffed on the floor.

Walking towards the nursery that was still in need of decorating, I opened the door and walked towards the curtain covered windows, and after all the searching and slight terror, there he was. Tear stains on his face, Jackson was staring out of the window staring at the gardens, almost with a look of awe.

He looked towards me as I started walking towards the window seat and hid his face with his knees. "Jacks, baby what happened?" I asked quietly, my heart breaking a little when I heard his little sniffle.

Jackson looked up and towards the garden once again, and sighed. It was not a sigh you would expect from a child, full of sadness and exhaustion. "You are going to forget about me, when Andy gets big," he choked out, with fresh tears running down his face... "You have already started forgetting about me, when we were eating ice cream and he started crying, you went to him and left me in the kitchen with dad."

To say I was shocked was an understatement, I immediately felt guilty. I know Jackson was not my child, but in a way, I felt close to him like a mother would, just as close as I now do to Andy.

Pulling the small crying child into my arms, I clung onto Jackson just as much as he did to me. "Jacks, you will always be my little man, no matter what. I know that I am with Andy a lot, but he needs me now too. I promise that I could never forget you, nor would I want to. You little one, are stuck with me for the rest of your life whether you like it or not. I love you too much to let you out of my sight." I said whole heartedly, I could never lose this kid, I think it would break me just as much as it would him.

Jackson pulled back slightly and looked me straight in the eyes and held up his pinkie and said, "pinkie promise?" A slight chuckle escaped my lips as I nodded and intertwined my pinkie finger with his, "I promise Jacks, nothing is going to take me away from you, nothing at all. I may not be able to be there 24/7 like it was before, but I will always be here, and you will never be without me."

After hugging Jackson for a little longer, I took his hand and led him towards the kitchen where Lain was sitting waiting for us, I had already let him know that I had found Jackson. He pulled his little boy into his arms and whispered to him frantically, telling him to never worry anyone like that again.

Hunter came through with Andy in his arms, who jumped with excitement holding up his arms for me to hold him. I held Andy and walked towards Jackson.

"Jacks, I know it's a big change but I need you to do something for me," he seemed hesitant but nodded for me to continue, "I need you to help me look after Andy, he's going to need both me and his big brother to grow up just as amazing as you are, can you do that for me?"

Jackson's face lit up with a smile, "REALLY?! I can be his big brother," he practically bounced up and down with excitement. His past doubts about my attention completely forgotten. I nodded and he hovered over Andy.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2021 ⏰

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