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I know that it has been a while since I have updated and I am truly sorry for having to give you guys another authors note.

I have been busy with my school work, and as I have my mock exams soon I will be giving slow updates. I promise that there will be an update on the story as often as possible, but I'm sorry if they are not as often as they used to be. 

I would like to thank all of you who are still reading and I apologise to those who are still waiting for a new chapter, I am writing one at this very moment and I am going to post it as soon as I complete it which I hope will be soon.

There's one other thing. 

After reading through my story I am ashamed of how childish it is, I started this story when I was around 13. That was when I decided that I wanted to become a writer, and after reading this I have realised that it is never going to happen if I carry on writing stories that are very similar to others.

I have read so many stories on a girl who has been classed as an omega, beaten, rejected, ran away and come back to get "revenge" on those who have hurt her. To do this she ends up becoming an alpha, princess, bad ass or someone so powerful they all want to apologise for being mean to her, which is basically how this story is turning out.

As I've said previously, I'm ashamed of how childish this sounds and I really want to either make it better, or complete it and start a new story that will be available to my followers, this new story will follow the story line of "I'm back bitches and I'm better than ever", but it will be more, defined if that's the right word.

I feel as if I have matured my writing style and I want those who are willing to read my work to not keep reading stories that are similar to others, to do this I will end this story in about 10 chapters and then start the new and improved version.

This new version will only be available to my followers as I will need enough feedback before I post it, so if you are one of those who would like me to start the improved version please leave a comment and please, I do not mind what you say but I would like to know what you think so far about this story and also what you believe I can improve on.

To those of you who have actually read through all of this, I thank you and I would like you to know that I appreciate the time you have given into reading this.

Thank you,


I'm Back Bitches... And I'm Better Than EverWhere stories live. Discover now