Chapter 25 - I Don't Know What To Do

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Hey guys, I just want to thank you all for waiting on updates xx.


Skylar P.O.V

I stalked away from Hunters room to my own, Once I got up the stairs I walked to my bathroom, I got showered making sure to be clear of all of Hunters blood, I was still shocked that dad done that, but even more so at the fact that I have a mate.

I got out of the shower about an hour later and wrapped a towel around my body before going into my room to change, I was soon dressed in pyjamas and sitting on the edge of my bed thinking of all the things that have happened today.

I sighed and fell backwards so my back was laying on my bed, I closed my eyes and steadied my fast breathing.

A knock on my door made me shoot up from my relaxed position, "Yes", the door opened and Lain walked in, "Hey, how did it go today".

I fell back onto the bed, "Good and Badly at the same time, Why cant my parents just accept him", I cover my face with my hands.

"They were perfectly fine when he was protecting me, but as soon as they find out hes a lycan, bang, hes their enemy, and for god sake, dad cant even say anything without attacking him".

I shook my head, "but most importantly he will never accept the fact that hes my mate, and no matter what he says that wont", I look at Lain when I say the last part with wide eyes, "change".

He was staring at the wall with no expression on his face, "shit", I say mostly to myself for just blurting it out like that.

He looks towards with with hurt clear on his face, "When did you find out, you know, that he was your mate", I really wanted to stab myself right now.

"About 2 hours ago, Just before we left to talk to my parents, I didn't even know that it was possible till Rosalie told me that the ass wasn't my second mate, I mean I should have realized, we never had a connection at the beginning, we just learned to be together".

I look at his face, this time he still had hurt clear in his eyes but there was also something else, his aura was all over the place and his thoughts were just as confusing.

"I am happy for you, but I just don't want this to make anything more complicated between us", he says looking at me with a hopeful smile.

I return the smile and nod, "We will be just fine, I am so confused right now, I'm going to make something to eat, you want anything", he stood up shaking his head, "No I'm good".

As we got to the second floor I remembered, "Oh yeah, how did it go with the job interview thing", I asked him, His face lit up and he smirked, "I got the job, I start after new years, I am really happy about it".

"Since we graduate this year, I'm just glad I have something to help get us through", that's amazing, "Well congrats, you are now an official member of the working community", I say laughing.

When we were got downstairs we heard crying coming from Lexis room, I moved closer to her door and knocked, "Lexi, hey Lex are you okay in there", When there was no answer I opened the door to see Jackson comforting a crying Lexi, I had to admit, it just made the kid 10x cuter.

"Hey, what happened", I asked Jackson since Lexi was still sobbing, "She had a nightmare, I don't know what about though, I didn't know what to do, Is she going to be okay", he answered slightly jumpy.

I nodded and when I turned to Lexi she was asleep again, I took Jackson's hand and led him out of the room.

I went into the kitchen and made pancakes, after we ate I looked at the time and noticed that Hunter has been upstairs for about 2 hours now.

I walked up to his room and knocked on his door, "Hunter, there's some food downstairs if you want it", I couldn't hear anything, "Hunter", there was still no answer, I opened the door slightly and saw Hunter fast asleep, I smiled and walked out of the room.

"Skylar", I heard him say, I walked back in the room, "Whats up", he motioned for me to sit on the bed, I walked over and sat down next to his waist, "How are you feeling", I asked him, he took my hand in his.

"I feel fine thanks to you, but I know how much healing someone makes you weak, I could have healed on my own, It may have taken longer, but I would still be alive either way".

I nodded, "You may have still been alive, but I couldn't just sit there watching you in pain, and I certainly couldn't give my dad the satisfaction of thinking that I didn't care enough to heal you, he is such an ass".

I looked at Hunter, "So, what do you think of all this", I said quietly, "about what?", I looked to the floor, "about, well... us", he smiled and lifted my chin to make me look at him, "I think its amazing, I finally found my mate, growing up I was told that I may never find my mate, and when I found out it was you I was amazed".

"But how did you figure it out, my mom told me that dad only figured it out when they were about to graduate, they had been dating for about 2 years and it took him that long to figure it out".

I squeezed his hand, "Rosalie, she kept asking me these random questions about you, about why I cared so much about you that I almost killed myself to save you, why did I defy my parents to be with you, and also why I trusted you so much that you know pretty much everything about me, even the tattoo", I laughed.

"I never thought about those things at the time, but when I did, well it was like my mind opened up to it and then well you know the rest from there", he sat up and put an arm around my shoulders.

I leaned my head back and he asked me, "So how is this going to work, I know about what has happened with Lain and that dickhead, I just want to know how you feel about all of this".

I relaxed against his chest and said what I already knew, "I find this confusing but I know that I want to make this work, and I feel like your going to be stuck with me", I say smirking, he rolled his eyes but then smirked back, "I don't mind that", I kissed his cheek.

"I know you don't, now come on, I spent 20 minutes making pancakes, and you need to eat something", I said grabbing his hand and pulling him to the door.

"Skylar, I don't have a shirt on", I turned around when he said that, I looked at his chest, "Oh alright, well chop chop, get dressed", I said.

Once he put a shirt over his head we walked back down the stairs and into the kitchen where I could see Jackson with his head poking in the freezer, I coughed and he jumped and shut the freezer door as he turned around.

"Er, hey I was just looking for some... carrots, you know the stick ones", he said nervously, I kept my smile hidden and walked over to him and open the fridge and got a bag of carrot sticks, "Here you go eat up".

He looked at the carrots and looked like he was about to vomit and shook his head, "You know, I'm not that hungry anymore, you can keep them", after that he ran out the kitchen and I went into a fit of giggles.

Hunter sat down and ate his pancakes, "Hunter, there is something you should know", he looked up from the plate", "dad kind of knows that, he knows your my mate", the color drained from his face and he put the fork down.

Well, at least he knows, but I just know that dad isn't going to take this whole situation lightly, and I'm pretty sure Hunters going to stay away from him for a while, I would too, but I am certain that this Christmas is going to be full of drama.



Hey, I know its pretty sure but ill make up for it, wont be able to update for a while so there will be an extra chapter soon.


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