Chapter 1 - New Beginnings

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Copyright: 'I'm Back Bitches And I'm Better Than Ever.'

Including all chapter prologues, epilogues and content are COPYRIGHTED. All rights reserved by owner and creator of this work, Leona (Wolfchickxxx) and any unauthorized copying, broadcasting, manipulation, distribution or selling of this work constitutes as an infringement of copyright. Any infringement of copyright is punishable by law.

I do not own any of the actors, actresses, music that has already been published or any photos used as covers or banners, All rights go to the original distributor or creator.


Okay now that the important stuffs done, let's begin.

Dedicated to TheChaoticNightmare


I was running from a man who I didn't know he was chasing me with an bow and arrow, I ran through the forest as fast as my paws could take me. I jumped off of the ledge of a low cliff, as soon as my feet hit the ground I shifted imagining clothes before I did.

The man that was behind me was close I could hear him, His horse jumped and landed about 10 ft away from me, He raised the bow and arrow and aimed for my head, I screamed and held my hands in front of my head for protection, I waited for the arrow to collide with my arm but it didn't.

I looked up to find the arrow on the ground burnt and my hands glowing bright, Now I could see the man's face I knew he was a hunter so I ran again wishing I would get as far away from him as possible. I closed my eyes and when I opened them I found myself in the exact place that want through my mind when I was running.

The cave I had been dreaming about since I was a kid.

"Skylar" I woke up instantly to find my brother Michael shouting at me to get up. He was nudging my side to wake me up, when I didn't budge he lifted up the side of the bed and I landed flat on my face.

"What the fuck Mickey". (it was my nickname for him he hated it but that's why I still use it.
"Hey I told you not to call me that,and to answer that question, at least I think it was a question" he thought about it and shrugged, " its time to get up and get ready for school".

I got up and sighed, school was one of the many things I hated more than my life and there was a lot of them but I'm pretty sure school is at the top of my Shit-List. I got up out of the bed, put on my slippers and slowly walked to the bathroom, I was still tired, so on the way to the door that connects by bedroom to my bathroom I walked into a few things, but I finally made it to my bathroom without dying.

After I got out of the shower I got dressed into blue jeans, a grey jumper, my grey pumps and my silver bracelet the Mickey got me for my 16th birthday. I brushed my black hair through then straightened it.

I put on my lip-gloss and mascara since that is the only make-up I owned, grabbed my bag, my crappy phone and ran down the stairs to get my breakfast.

The rest of the pack was already there so I grabbed a apple and walked out of the door. I got about halfway to school and Mike was driving along in his car, he usually took me to school but because he was with the boys from the pack he gave me a sad smile, I nodded as he drove off.

I got to school about 5 minutes before the bell, this gave me time to get my Math and English books for 1st and 2nd period. As soon as I walked into my Form Room people went quiet and then started whispering, I just ignored them and walked to my seat at the back of the class.

Miss Jacobs walked in with a girl following her, she looked shy scared almost but that doesn't surprise me much who wouldn't be scared about going to a school filled with a bunch of wolves. You see when a new human student starts here at West Mount they get told everything about the town, then if the Head finds them trustworthy he tells them about the werewolves that live amongst them. So like I said I'm not surprised that she's scared.

"So Melody choose a seat anywhere you want there are plenty around". She looked like she was going to sit next to Jake the Football Jock, but when she saw his smile she moved to the seat next to me, which was weird.

I know what can be weird about someone sitting next to you?, well that's because no-one does the chair in front of me and next to me are always empty. She looked at me and smiled and asked me, "do you know where any of these classes are, i have no idea and this map is crap". I smiled at her and said, "Sure lets see your schedule".

She took the piece of paper out of her bag and gave it to me, I looked at all of her lessons:

Period 1 - Math

Period 2 - AP English

Period 3 - Free

Period 4 - Biology


Period 5 - Art

Period 6 - Free

Wow I forgot how long the school day was, but it looked like she was in all of my classes, literally all of them. I looked back at her and handed her her sheet and said, "you're in all of my classes, we have a free period at 11, would you like me to show you around , My names Skylar by the way". She nodded her head and smiled when she said, "sure and its nice to meet you","nice contacts by the way".

I looked her with the most puzzled look on my face, "what do you mean contacts","I don't wear contacts". Now she was the one hat looked confused, "Oh, OK then". I searched through my bag and saw that my eyes were no longer blue, they were slowly turning black. I couldn't believe what I was seeing, What The Hell Is Going On.

Well looks like ill find out later because after i put the mirror back the bell went, I put my stuff in my bag and went to Melody who was waiting for me by the door, We walked to room 102 and went to our seats, Mine is at the back by the window, that is my seat every lesson I like sitting at the back because I know that nobody will bother me.

Now I finally have someone to talk to that is better than sitting her being called a loner. Next thing I hear is the fake laugh of none other than Monica also known as the Pack Slut and her wannabes , Nichole, Natasha and Nady. She only hung around with people who's first letter of their name comes after M so that made them three to the top of the list. I remember one of her best Friends Naomi and Natalie god the amount of people she hung around with who's name began with N. It gets too confusing over time.

The lesson felt like it was taking forever since i was ahead of everyone, when you're sitting in your bedroom after getting beaten up by the people you live with and not being able to move there not much else you can do apart from read, write or study, I chose to study because I'm crap at writing and if I read a book I don't put it down till its finished so I leave all of my books for the weekend.

When Math was finally over, me and Melody walked to English apparently we had a new teacher today, when we walked in we saw a new teacher who looked about 26, you could see Monica literally drooling onto he shirt until he started talking and telling us about themselves. "Hello class my name is Mr.Jackson and I'm your new English teacher, you all know my partner, I believe they teach you Biology."

When he finished talking I burst into hysterics at Monica's face, if you must know why, Its because Mr.Jackson is definitely gay, his partner happens to be the only Biology teacher in the school that's isn't already married. Mr Matthews, another dream boat that Monica had drooled over before hearing about his partner, Scott Jackson.

Monica turned around and gave me her death glare but that did nothing I just went to my seat with Melody still laughing my head off. Yes this is literally the funniest first day back ever, and like you know I hate school.


I hope you liked the first chapter of my new book this one should be updated every few days. The others are on hold until I get some new ideas.

I know I finished this chapter only about 3 hours into the school day but I will continue it on the next update.

~ Leona

© All Rights Reserved 2018 Wolfchickxxx

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