Chapter 2 - Betrayal Part 1

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This chapter is dedicated to Ivana032499 for Voting.


English was as boring as ever, but we made it through till lunch without freaking out over something. We have lunch now then art, Me and Melody became good friends real quick. I ordered my usual, Burger, Fries and a Chocolate Milkshake, I also decided on a cherry muffin for after, at least i have something healthy for lunch.

I met up with Melody and we went outside with our food, there was only one table left and that was by the trash cans, as usual, so I led Melody to the Oak Tree at the back of the field where i usually went when i didn't want anyone to find me.

When we sat down Melody asked me a question that I knew I couldn't answer, "so how are your eyes black without contacts, because they are now full on black and gold", I just answered with, "I seriously, have no idea, this is the first time they have done this".

Mel took out her laptop and started typing, when she turned the screen to me so i could see what she looked up, It was a website about ancient powers the front page was a book in a different language, but there was a lot of pictures so I looked through them one caught my attention. It was of a girl who's eyes looked just like mine so I clicked on the link and read the description.

The black eyes resembles mystery and the gold ring resembles power, this means that a girl will come of age at 16 years, she would be powerful but her powers will be a mystery hence the colour. Old legends say that a young girl Sky was visited by a god and granted any powers she wanted, she chose for them to be a mystery, her eyes turned black and gold, over the next few days she changed and after her 16th birthday she received 8 different powers.

Wow I saved the link and decided to go to Art early with Mel, It turns out that she wasn't actually human, she's a half breed, Class started about 10 minuets after we arrived and guess who was in our class Monica and the N's. She looked over at us and smiled "aww look at this you guys, The new freak is sitting next to the expired freak" after those 10 words everyone started laughing.

I only just got a friend and now they are taking the piss out of her. Before i knew it i growled. Monica and the rest of the class stopped laughing and looked at me with fear in their eyes. "Shut the fuck up Monica, you just pick any chance you can get to pick on the new kids around here, people are fed up with it, I sure as hell am, so why don't you just sit down and shut your mouth for once".

I didn't even recognize my voice, she bowed her head in fear and went to her seat, and yet again people were staring at me, I calmed down and looked at them "What". Mr.Fields walked in the next minute surprised to see everyone sitting down, when he looked at me he went wide eyed and turned away quickly.

I looked at Melody and asked "is there something on my face", when she looked up she gasped. "No there's not but your eyes are orange". I looked in the mirror at the back of the classroom to see that my eyes have changed colour again.


Hey guys sorry for the short chapter but I'm trying to update everyday. Anyway I hope you like it. Part 1 of chapter 2 next update tomorrow

Until Then

~ Leona

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