Chapter 11 - Therapy, Complications and Madness

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Skylar's P.O.V

I have been in this place for like 2 weeks now and I want to kill someone, Its so boring here I know Max put a bunch of things in my room but there is only so much you can do, The guy in the next room is so freaking grumpy, Whenever the guitar is playing he hits the wall and starts screaming.

Jason visits almost everyday but being an alpha and all he cant stay long, over the 3 years we've been growing apart, more since we came here.

Jayden is always here, One time a nurse had to drag him out the doors its like he wants to be in here as well, Scarlet and Jordan come whenever they can but that's it, My parents cant come as they are stuck in Russia for some vamp thing.

Max hasn't been able to come because of exams and he was with our parents in Russia, It made me upset that I wasn't able to see him.

The people in this place don't know about my vamp side so now i am going mad, I haven't fed in 2 and a half weeks and its making my head spin. 

I woke up at like 3 in the morning and my head was pounding and the blood lust was getting worse, I started pacing around my room, I picked up the lamp and threw it at the wall and screamed, A nurse came in and saw me freaking, she ran to call a doctor and told him about me going crazy and to get a sedative.

She came in with the needle in her hand, I was so freaked of needles and when she started coming towards me I freaked, "Get the hell away from me, If you take one more step towards me that thing is going in your neck".

She just laughed, "I've been trained to handle crazy people and their harmless threats, And I'm stronger than you'd ever be pup", she took another step towards me and I used my speed to grab her arm twist it and make the needle go into her neck.

She mumbled something and fell to the ground, I walked out of the door and went to find something to eat, but instead of walking to the kitchen I walked into something, not something someone, My mood was only getting worse and I was ready to scream at the person who stood in my way.

I looked up to come face to face with Mr.Jenkins, He looked at me in shock, "Sky what are you doing in here", He looked at my open door and remembered the nurse going in there, "Oh you didn't, please tell me you didn't attack her", I looked at him, "No I just put the sedative in her neck", He laughed at this and after a bit I started laughing as well.

"Why on earth did you do that", I shrugged, "I think I saw it in a movie or something like that, and I hate needles","I warned her but being an annoying bitch she still came towards me so now she on the floor with a concussion, Her head hit the wall I think".

My head started going fuzzy again and I asked him if I could make a call, Even though it wasn't allowed he took me to the reception area, I dialed Max's number, "This best important its like 4 in the morning", He said on the other line, I felt bad for waking him up it was important. "Max, Its me", I said to make him shut up he was complaining about being sleep deprived. He shut up when he heard me.

"Sky whats wrong", He asked sounding worried, "Max I'm starving" I heard Mr.J next to me say "You called someone to tell them your hungry", I shushed him and Max told me he'll be there in a bit. 

"So Harry why are you here", He looked at me like I was crazy, "I'm a volunteer what about you huh, did you take drugs, or something", He looked at my wrists when I never answered, For some reason they never heal since the blades are silver. "Sky, you promised, When did you do this", I explained the story and he listened not many people do, but as you know he was there for me when nobody else was. 

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