Chapter 36 - Well That Escalated Quickly

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Hey guys I know this is late and I'm really sorry, the chapter I had ready to post was never saved properly and I lost over half of it, the next will be up as soon as I can edit it.


Harry's P.O.V

Samuel turning up at the hospital was the breaking point for my temper, Max begun asking questions as soon as we were away from the asshole, but they were questions I didn't have any answers for, it was up to Skylar.

"She's okay Harry, she started talking to me through our bond", Max told me when he came out of Skylar's room.

"What do you mean? How did she talk to you? Isn't she meant to be in a coma?", I couldn't wrap my head around the fact that she could communicate with us, and when Max explained everything to me I realised that she is a lot powerful than most of us realised.

It was about three hours later when we heard a crash come from Skylar's room, and it was the same time we realised that Samuel had walked off.


Skylar's P.O.V

It was dark, it seemed as if I was trapped in an endless dark hallway, just walking forever to find that there was no way out, or at least that's what it was like in my head.

I realised that on my own I was slowly regaining consciousness, but what I was waking up to made me want to go back into the coma, I could hear him talking to me.

"Kylie, I'm really sorry for everything, I know what I did upset you and I began to regret it ever since, I just want to know if you'll ever forgive me".

"No, I don't think I will", my voice was raspy and when I opened my eyes I longed for it to be dark again.

Samuel jumped up looking shocked, "why, please tell me why you can't forgive me, it was ages ago", he said once he recovered, but what he was saying I didn't want to hear.

At that point my powers and every thing that came with it began to wake up, his aura was telling me that he felt regret, sadness but there was a flicker of confusion and fear, I didn't know it happened but somehow I ended up on the other side of the room, eyes red and fangs bearing at Samuel who was now moving backwards away from me as quickly as he could knocking over the iv thing as he did.

"Why?! You want to know why I can't forgive you, maybe because you were my best friend, actually you were my only friend or at least I thought you were, I told you everything that was happening in my life and you just thought of it as a joke to tell all of those bastards you left me for!", I was getting even more angry by the minute.

"You let me think that I could trust you and then you did the worst thing, you betrayed me, it was hard enough for me to learn how to trust you and then you threw that in my face as soon as you had the chance", Samuel looked at me confused and hurt and started walking towards me, I snarled at him making him move back.

"What are you talking about, what things did you tell me, I'm here because I wanted to say sorry for leaving, when I left the day before your 14th birthday without saying anything to you, I just up and left without an explanation, I'm really sorry, but my mom was sick, you know that I was living here with my dad but I had a phone call from the hospital she was staying in, the one in London, they told me that she didn't have long, I had to go and see her".

He looked down at the floor, "me and dad packed up and left that day, I never got the chance to tell you I was leaving, I just wish I did, I thought that there would be a chance for you to forgive me if I explained what happened".

I was confused, "how is that possible, you didn't leave before my birthday, you were there with me, we went for ice cream and then you drove me out to the shore because I told you that I had never seen the sea, you left about six months after that, about two months after I realised that I should never trust people again", Samuel was looking at me as if is grown another head.

"What do you mean, I wasn't here, you can ask dad, we left the day before your birthday I promise you, I have no idea what you're going on about", he looked desperate for me to believe me, I sat down and motioned for him to sit in front of me, slowly he walked over to the bed.

"I really want to believe you but I have to do something first, just sit still okay", I said quietly, he nodded and I put my hands over his and closed my eyes, prying into his mind was hard because of the emotions running through my head, but eventually I got through.

I could see everything, a 14 year old Sam walking in on his dad in tears, him finding out about his mom, the memories switched to him packing in his bedroom, tears rolling down his face and then Sam looking at the calendar on his wall, the date crossed off and "Kylie's birthday", in big letters on the next day, Sam traced the words and sighed in despair picking up his bags and leaving his room, "I'm sorry Kylie", was the thought running through his head.

I skimmed the rest of the memories, proving that he only returned a few weeks ago for an interview then recently moving back into his old house with his dad.

I forced myself out of his head trying to breathe properly, I couldn't help it, the panic attack, the tears, they all came at once.

That was when I noticed Harry and Max in the room, Max ran over to me knowing how to calm me down and Harry had Sam by the throat against the wall, "Sky are you okay? What happened?", when I was finally able to move I used as much strength as I could to get over to Harry in less than a second and had him across the room, my mind was racing but I realised that Sam tensed up again, I brought my hand to my mouth again and noticed the fangs.

I looked at Harry who looked as if he was going to attack Sam again, I stood between them both, shielding Sam from him and snarling, Harry stood back confused and stayed still, I turned to face Sam again, letting my features return to normal as I looked at him, he looked relieved that I believed him, yet fearful of what was happening.

"You've missed a lot, I know I have a lot to explain but for now, I want to know that you trust me", he was hesitant and debating whether or not if he should say something, "please Sammy", I said quietly.

He looked at me with wide eyes and smiled, next thing I know he was crushing me into a hug, when my shoulder was wet I realised that he was crying, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry I left you, I just had to, I really wanted to come back sooner", he said into my shoulder.

"I know, I saw that and I know that you're telling the truth, I thought I lost you Sam, I thought you betrayed me, but it wasn't you, I really thought it was", Sam just tightened his arms around me.

"There's a lot I need to know isn't there", he said as he pulled back from the hug, I nodded and turned to face Harry and Max.

"Get my parents, Max I need you to contact Elijah and tell him to gather the pack, Harry I need you to get the wolves and do the same, call Jason he'll help you get all of them and I need one of you to get Hunter to call his betas, we need the pack here as soon as possible, tell them to meet me at the pack grounds", they nodded and were about to leave when I stopped Max, "I need you to ask Hannah to look after Andy for me until the meeting, me and Sam have a lot to talk about, but I'll be at the grounds in two hours, make sure that every member of the pack is in account".

When Max left I turned to Sam, "there is a lot you need to know", I said as I sat down on the bed, ready for all of the questions that will definitely come.

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