Chapter 17 - It's All Repeating

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Hey I have a chapter I'm finishing off and it will be uploaded in a day or 2. Hope you like the chapter.


Skylar's P.O.V

There was this constant beeping sound in the background and to put it straight, I was going to kill someone if it didn't shut up soon, I hear people talking and I also hear the word coma, Who's in a coma?, Why am I asleep if I can hear people?, Wait, Am I the one in a coma?.

*Skylar are you stupid, Why did you do that*, I hear my wolf talk to me, But I just cut her out and focused on waking up.

After a while of trying, A familiar bright white light gives me a headache and I soon wished I slept for a while more, but I hear a voice, "Sky, Jay Jay, Harry and daddy are outside, do you want me to get them", I made a sort of nod and he kisses my cheek and runs out the door, Jackson never seemed to stop being cute.

A few seconds later a huge crowd of people run into the room, Harry makes it in first and crushes me into a hug and struggle breathing for a sec, when he notices he lets go and mutters a sorry. I laugh a little and ask what the hell was going on, "You don't remember", Jay says and I nod, "Yeah I remember taking my tablets but that was it".

Harry looks at me with a sad smile, "You overdosed on your depression and anxiety pills", Half of my friends look at me since I never told them about the pills and I look at my hands. The next thing I say was the first thing that popped into my mind, "How much time of my life did I lose this time a week, a month".

"2 weeks, 4 days and 17 hours", I look to the door to see Micheal standing there with Melody and Lilly, They both walk to me and Micheal gives me a hug, as does Lilly but Melody hands me a coffee and a bag of Mc'Donalds, I hug her and she laughs, "I heard you were awake so I made Micheal stop and get some food on the way".

As I'm eating Jackson jumps on the bed and starts asking me some questions, "Are you feeling better?, Did you get enough sleep?, I thought you were gonna turn into sleeping beauty of something", I tried to keep in the laughter, but him thinking I was going to turn into sleeping beauty was way too funny to ignore.

Lain left about half an hour ago to take Jackson home and let him get some proper rest because they had been staying at the hospital since I was checked in.

About an hour later they released me to the world and as soon as we walked out of the hospital the heavens opened up and we were soaked, "Oh flying fudge monkeys", I shouted but the cool rain made me feel amazing and I started running around, When I get back to the others, I end up knocking over a nurse on her way from the hospital and she falls over.

My fangs shoot out as I smell blood and I look to her hand to see a cut from when she fell, Lilly looks at me and stands back, but Jay and Harry look at me in amazement, I don't get what they are looking at, So I go to the mirror on the side of the car to see my eyes blood red, my hair Jet black, and my lips a pure blood red colour, I also have dark eyeliner and my fangs are longer and I also noticed a new tattoo on my hand in the shape of a crescent moon.

I felt the hunger rising and my fangs were throbbing, I ignored it and retracted my fangs and went back to my parents with the others, The car ride there was quiet and went to my room to get cleaned up, I got showered and got into my black jeans, white cami and black hoodie, I sat on my bed listening to Hedley, I was always listening to them. I went to the piano in my room and played a part of the song that I remembered the notes to,

"I'm not perfect, but I keep trying, cause that's what I said I would do from the start.

I'm not alive if I'm lonely, so please don't leave. Was it something I said or just my personality?

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