Chapter 14 - Making Things Better

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New chapter like I promised, and if you guys have not read, Supernatural Boarding School, or A Touch Of Red: SBS Sequel, you guys have to, they are written by @Mokita and  let me tell you they are amazing. <3 


Skylar's P.O.V

When I woke up my head instantly started pounding with a major migraine, I got out of bed and tripped over something on my floor, Not something, Someone, It was Jayden, Why is he on the floor?.

I kicked him and he shot up and held his head probably with a headache, "You were asleep on the floor and nearly killed me, Why?", He just looked at me, "I don't know". I let it go and went into the bathroom and got 4 aspirin and a bottle of water from the mini fridge, I took 2 and gave the other 2 and the rest of the water to Jayden. He thanked me and we went downstairs.

"Morning sleepy heads", Max shouted to us and I sped over to him and pushed him against the wall with my hand gripping his shirt, "Shut. The. Hell. Up. My head hurts", Jayden nodded in agreement and I dropped Max and heard a snicker from the other side of the room, I turned around horrified to see my parents sitting on the couch talking to Amelie.

My dad was the one laughing and eventually he burst out laughing, as I was walking into the kitchen I heard him say, "Remind me to never annoy her", I laughed as I got some breakfast, I made eggs, bacon, toast and a pop-tart for me and Jayden, As we were eating my dad walked into the room and Jayden excused himself and pretty much ran out of the room.

"Hi Honey, I just wanted to ask you something", He said sitting down where Jay was sitting, "Shoot" I told him, He looked uncomfortable, "Who was that you kissed last night", I froze, he saw that, He might as-well know, "Lain my ex-mate", My dad looked shocked and then angry but he let me continue.

"I ran into him at school after I pretty much pointed out that his sort of mate cheated on him and that his kid was actually his best friends child, It was at the end of school just before we left to get ready for last night, He told me how sorry he was and thanked me for telling him the truth, he also asked me to forgive him, No matter what he done I forgave him".

"Last night after the song and me getting chased by Max and Jayden (Dad laughed at the memory), I ran straight into him and it looked like he was crying and he told me that he was truly sorry for anything he'd ever done, he understood what was going on because of the song, It was about me and the things that had happened, He asked if we could be friends and I agreed".

"It turns out that he didn't love Monica, It was Jackson their kid he loved, He was going to leave her but she fell pregnant, when she had a miscarriage he was heartbroken, but when she had Jackson he knew not to leave as Jackson needed his dad", "I found out a lot last night".

He looked confused, I told him what we were going to do and he agreed, I saw his eyes flash red and a timer like thing went through my body telling me I had to feed, Dad said that he would get someone to deliver a deer at the door, I shook my head no and he looked at me like I had 2 heads, I called Max and asked him if he was hungry, He said he was.

Mom was busy and said she wasn't hungry, I saw dads eyes flash red again and he said that hes going to order food, Me and Max looked at each other and we told dad to follow us, We sped to the forest and towards a huge deer, Dad came up behind us and Max grabbed his arm to pull him to the ground.

The deer heard and started to run, Me, dad and max ran after it, we shifted in the air and tackled the deer, Dad bit its neck and it fell limp to the ground a few seconds later, I noticed something different with my wolf, I ran to the lake and looked at my reflection in the water, My eyes were a deep red instead of blue and there was a mark near my tail, It was a rose, I ran back too the deer shifted and fed.

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