Chapter 33 - The Return

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Skylar's P.O.V 

"And who do we have here", .....asks Hannah's husband as he walks through the kitchen door and over to Hannah kissing her forehead. Hannah smiled at me and motioned for me to introduce myself, now as my mother has recently come to teach me, when greeting another vampire when you are a guest in their home you must flash your eye colour showing them your status.

I know it sounds as if we are claiming our grounds and telling them that we are of a higher class, but it is seen as a sign of respect. This is because it was how vampires greeted one another many centuries ago and only few still carry on this tradition, and as it turns out I have to start getting others to continue this as well. Mainly I think my mothers getting me to do all the leg work. 

I walk towards him slowly, "I'm Skylar you must be Elliot", I say holding out my hand, as he shook my hand I realised that he also follows the tradition as his eyes flashed a dark red and I let mine change quickly as well.

As he saw the colour of my eyes he froze and his eyes widened slightly, "your highness", he said quickly and gave a slight bow, "please, none of that, call me Skylar or Sky whichever you choose but there is no need to be so formal", I add chuckling slightly. He nods and turns to the living room when he hears a crash and Andy start crying.

He looks towards Hannah, "I thought he was taken back to the adoption centre, I don't want him to be there as much as you do, but I wouldn't be able to cope with a human living with us", I hear him say as I run into the room looking to see what was wrong.

Kara looks towards me with a panicked expression with a crying Andy in her arms, "I'm so sorry, we were playing but he wouldn't slow down and he tripped over and the bleeding won't stop, oh my god I'm so sorry", as she said the bleeding won't stop Elliot and Hannah come in to see what was happening.

"Kara calm down, he'll be fine, he's just not strong enough yet to heal on his own as he's only a fledgeling, okay", she nods and starts to calm her breathing as she passes Andy to me and check his forehead close to his left temple where there was a deep gash covered with blood that had not yet stopped running down his face.

"Why am I not shifting, that usually happens around humans with cuts, and why does he look so different", I hear Elliot say with confusion, Hannah giggles slightly as I bring my finger to my mouth and use a fang to make it bleed, "You've missed quite a lot dear", she says as Andy takes the small drop of blood and the cut on his head began to close.

"There you go, all better", I say with relief, "are you always going to be such a troublemaker", I hand Andy to Kara who offered to clean him up. Elliot looks to me with a look of shock.

"I have taken Andy into my care as he is now a fledgeling, recently a restaurant was attacked where Hannah, Kara and Andy were given an untested drug by hunters, I was able to save Hannah and Kara as their Vampires' bond was strong due to the relative connection". Elliot looked towards Hannah after hearing about the restaurant and remembering what almost happened. 

"Andy however, being human, was not as lucky, I had to change him in order to save him, and as you may well know that basically makes me his mentor but also his mother due the large age difference", as he begins to understand he nods slightly and looks towards Andy who was now cleaned up and looking very sleepy and smiles.

"As long as he is okay", he asks and looks towards Hannah and me, "now I do believe you are here for dinner".

By the time desert came it was almost ten, we'd been talking for two hours nearly and Andy was fast asleep on the sofa, we were in the middle of me explaining how I found out who I was as Elliot was interested, "So when I found out who Max was he introduced me to my parents, and that's basically all there was to finding out who I was".

"What was it like finding out who you...", Hannah's question was stopped short when there was a knock at the door, "that must be Sam", Elliot says walking to the door, I see Andy stir in his sleep so I walk over to pick him up, a faint but familiar scent clouded the air.

"Skylar, Hannah, Kara this is Samuel he is one of my new employees at the firm on an apprenticeship", as I hoist Andy on my hip seeing as he started to wake up I turn around to meet Samuel, a breath lodged itself in my throat as I see the all too familiar face of the one one person I trusted the most, the person who betrayed my trust.

"Kylie, is that you", Samuel says taking a step towards me, as he takes that step forward I take two backwards away from him.

"Don't call me that, don't even talk to me you asshole", I say as my eyes began to cloud over with tears, his eyes shift to Andy and he smiles slightly, "you found your mate?", he asks, I couldn't even look at him without the pain of what he done to me hit me full force, "Stop talking to me", I almost shout, I look towards Hannah and give her an apology.

"I am so very sorry Hannah but I'm afraid I have to leave, please come and visit me whenever you like, Kara thank you for your help with Andy today and Elliot thank you for understanding everything with Andy", Elliot nods at me, "and I am fairly sure, once I mention it to my parents, they will like to meet one of the few of our kind who still follow the ancient traditions".

When I mention him meeting my parents he straightens his form and then lowers himself into a slight bow, "A meeting with them would mean everything your highness, umm I mean Skylar, sorry I forgot for a minute there", I give a slight giggle but I did not miss Samuel's look of confusion at what he just saw. I quickly grab my things and say goodbye to Hannah once again, I give Kara a hug and shake hands with Elliot again adding the flash of eye colour, which I know Samuel noticed.

Before walking out of the door a stray tear ran down my cheek as I looked at Samuel, I wiped away quickly and walked out of the house slightly trembling. Why did he have to come back now, things were just starting to get better, well apart from the hunter attacks.

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