Chapter 5 - Rejection Part 1

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This chapter is dedicated to -LoveBeauty for following.


I've been staying with Melody for about a week now, Weird things have been happening,My eyes keep changing colour and I'm pretty sure I'm scaring the hell out of Mel's mom, Max is still weird around me after he heard me sing, like what's up with him.

Its now Tuesday that means its two days till my birthday. I got woken up by Max telling me that school is open today. It wasn't yesterday since its freezing and the heating system was broken, at least I wont freeze to death in a place I hate YAY!!!! I say to myself with sarcasm.

It took me over half an hour to take a shower dry my hair and get dresses. I grab a breakfast bar for me and Mel and we walk to the car.

On the way to Starbucks I look at my schedule for today to see what Me and Melody had today.

Period 1 - Music

Period 2 - AP English


Period 3 - Religious Studies

Period 4 - Free


Period 5 - Math

Period 6 - Math

Yes I have Music today but seriously Double Math at least we have 4th lesson free we can go to town for lunch.

I tell Mel to wait in the car while I get the coffee, "Hello, What can I get you?" the woman at the counter asks me. "Er mm, Two Large Mocha Lattes and a Plain Coffee to go please". I look through my phone until my order was ready.

I get back in the car and put Mel's coffee into the cup holder she thanks me and asks who the other coffee is for seeing that I bought 3. "Mr.J", she looks at me and nods her head "oh, okay". We get to school and I walk over to Harry's classroom.

When I get there he's asleep, I laugh and get the bull horn he has in his desk from when he done sports day last month. Why does he still have this? I cover my ears as much as I can and I press the button. I burst out laughing when he pretty much jumps 10 ft in the air. He gives me a death glare until I hold out the latte for him, when he takes it and and has a look of relief on his face.

"Thanks Skylar, That stupid dog of my neighbours is taking the piss, I haven't had any sleep", he says looking at me."Its okay and I know I got the message you sent me at 2 in the bloody morning", he laughs at me."What?" I ask looking at him,"You sounded so British when you said "Bloody" its just funny", I was about to hit him when the bell went and Mel came to get me before we were late to Homeroom.

As we were walking to Home Room The most wonderful smell hit me. It smelt like chocolate and vanilla, But I couldn't find where the smell was coming from. *Skylar* I heard a voice in my head and I stopped and turned around to find nobody there "Did you say my name Mel" she shook her hear and asked why. "I heard someone say my name" I shrugged it off and we kept walking.

*Skylar go to the clearing in the woods* God I'm going crazy *You're not going crazy now go to the clearing in the woods now* Why would I do that, *Because you're going to shift now hurry we don't have much time* Wait tell me who you are first to help me make sure I'm not going crazy. *My names Rosalie I'm your wolf now hurry you're about to shift*. I start getting scared and I run out of the school building with Melody following me.

I get to the clearing in the woods and I feel a sharp pain going up my spine. I can feel my bones breaking and I couldn't do anything but scream because of the pain.


~Melody P.O.V

I try to chase after Sky but she was running to fast, I go to the first classroom I see and I was happy to see that it was Mr. Jenkins A.K.A Harry's class. He looks at me and he knows something is wrong. "Melody what's wrong", I start shaking because I don't know what's happening. "Its Sky she thought she heard someone saying her name, she ran off I don't know where she's gone, can you help me find her before......" I was cut off by someone screaming, I could hear because I shifted on the weekend.

I immediately knew who it was and so did Harry, I look him and we both start running, The screaming continued, I shifted into my Hazel coloured wolf as Mr.J shifted into a Light Brown wolf, (In this story their clothes don't get wrecked so when they change back to Human form their clothes will reappear.)

We followed the screaming to the clearing in the woods where we saw Skylar starting to shift, But something was wrong, When everyone else shifted it shouldn't hurt that much, it will hurt for a minute then the pain goes. I walk up to her despite Harry's warnings. "Sky don't worry its okay, look at me it will be okay". Her head shoots up and she growls, when she does her eyes turn deep red then go back to blue.

I gasped as she passes out, Mr.J picks her up and carries her to my car, "Take her back to yours, don't tell anyone about this its not normal, I've seen this before but I cant tell you, not yet". I nod my head and drive home as fast as I can.

Its a good thing I was a wolf now or I might not have been able to carry her. The door was locked so I kicked it open, I didn't care about the stupid door I was more worried about Sky. Max comes running down the hall and looks straight at Sky but Mostly at her nose. I looked where he was looking and saw that her nose was bleeding and when I looked where Max was he was gone. I put her on the couch as Max walks back with a wet cloth and cleans her nose.

He was mumbling some stuff that even I couldn't hear, but I heard the end of what he was saying, "I cant believe its her". what the hell is he on about.


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