Chapter 39 - Who Are You?

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I found Hunter on the first floor of the west wing, assigning those who were married with children their room.

As if he had sensed me, Hunter dropped the forms he was holding and within seconds I was pulled into a hug and spun around. I smiled as he put me down on the ground. Placing a hand on my cheek he kissed me lightly and hugged me once again.

"Well hello to you too," I laughed and hugged him back. "How are you feeling, I'm sorry that I couldn't get rid of the scar, it was the poison on the blade that permanently damaged your skin", he looked at me as if I had lost my mind.

"I'm not bothered about the scar, I am just happy that you're okay, healing me took a lot out of you."

It was if he had completely forgotten about the fact that he almost died, but there was a feeling that clouded my judgement, just before I could shout at him for taking on four hunters without backup. Yet it disappeared due to the undying happiness that consumed me, when I saw how happy he was himself that I was awake.

I kissed him once again, "you can't get rid of me that easy."

I walked over to the desk where a few families were still waiting to be assigned a room, Hannah and Elliot were the next in line with Kara walking down the hall with the rest of her things.

"Elliot it is good to see you again," I addressed him as he shook my hand letting our eyes flash red, I pulled Hannah into a hug and she had begun to fret over me and the danger I get myself into like a mother hen whilst Kara stood there looking as if she was about to collapse with the things she was holding.

"I promise that I am fine, I will come and find you later today, and you can lecture me on my safety then." I laughed at expression on her face and looked through the papers. "Okay, so you guys are in room W132, that is just down the hall to your left, and it is the fourth door on the right."

"I believe that there is also a walk in wardrobe for Kara, which I'm guessing is needed," Kara gives her thanks as they begin to walk over to their rooms, Hannah reminding me to come and find her later on.

Hunter and I continue to give the families their rooms until each room was full, lacing my fingers through his, we walked back to the living quarters to meet up with everyone and found Scarlet and Jayden sitting on one of the couches with Jayden, Max, Lain, Jackson and Lexi.

Harry walked in with a protesting Andy. "He is refusing to eat anything, honestly, how did he acquire your temper in such a short amount of time," Harry handed him to me and slowly Andy had begun to calm down, his blood lust seemed to be near its end as his eyes were almost blue, his refusal to eat, however, is why it has not ended already.

Handing him the bottle, Andy hesitantly began to drink the blood and was soon bubbly and squirming to be put down, his eyes back to crystal blue and his hair slowly fading from black to blonde.

"See that wasn't so bad was it," I laughed as he began to crawl and stumble after Skittles, she wasn't much of a puppy anymore but still she enjoyed to play with Andy as much as she could.

Jackson ran up to me shouting about me sleeping for too long again, and how it should be illegal for me to do so ever again. I whispered to him, knowing full well that Lain could hear, "how about I let you know of the new ice cream stash as an apology."

Jackson giggled and I saw Lain sigh in defeat, "daddy wouldn't let me eat any, he said that too much sugar was bad for my brain cells," Jackson exclaimed whilst pouting.

"Did he now, well, there is something I can do about that. In the kitchen there is a red cupboard, if you look in that there is a freezer that will always have ice cream in it, you'll have to put your thumb on the reader though. Only you and I can get to it."

Running off in excitement Lain came over and gave me a hug, "If he gets diabetes, I know exactly who is to blame," he sighed before laughing and chasing after Jackson to see what he got his hands on.

Looking towards Jay and Max I knew that they wanted to talk about the training schedules for the pack but a knock at the door interrupted us before I could ask them of the situation with the training grounds.

Michael walked in to the room, with Melody following behind him holding Lilly's hand, Lilly walked over to where Andy was playing with Skittles and introduced herself.

"Your friend tells me that you have my father in a holding cell," Michael expressed, not very happy I would imagine as you could tell by the grinding of his teeth.

"Yes, I do, when he is caught working with the human hunters and seconds away from killing my mate, I had wanted to kill him. I thought, however, that the best thing I could do is interrogate him and let you be there to find out exactly why he had betrayed you, he is your father after all as you so blatantly pointed out," I said in a huff.

Michael looked down towards the ground and Melody grabbed his hand as Hunter placed his hand on my shoulder, as if reassuring me that he was fine.

I smiled and placed my hand over his.

"Michael, I want to know why I was brought here, and if it was him that took me from my family in the first place, but you are my family as well, I wanted you to be there as well. I know you have questions for him yourself, he disappeared after Jack died, don't you want to know why?"

Michael looked at me and smiled, "yeah, I do have questions for him, sorry that I lost it a bit there, I have just been a bit on edge since the attack, I heard from Lain that you were out for a few days, and the pack have been agitated ever since hearing of the humans with the weapons that could poison us."

I shook my head, "I guess it doesn't take long for words of panic to travel, I am heading over to meet Elijah in containment to question him later on this afternoon. For now, please settle in, a late breakfast with the pack is in half an hour."

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