Chapter 38 - A Battle

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The route through the forest was quiet, too quiet. Andy was getting agitated, it was understandable, the poor kid had a long day. As I was walking, a nagging feeling started to grow.


My wolf and vampire screamed at me, they were both getting worked up. *Elijah is coming, he is bringing the vampires and the lycans, there's too many hunters for you to fight off with the baby, you need to protect him.*

I didn't question them, I kept running, eventually I saw the packs running towards me. They made room for me to get through, Sam wasn't far behind them.

"Sam! What are you doing? It's not safe for you!", I had screamed at him, he done nothing other than take Andy, "You need to fight, go, I'll look after him, your pack needs you".

I let a small smile show on my face, I kissed Andy's head and hugged Sam. "Thank you, make sure you take good care of him, you remember which is my room right?", he nodded in return and took off towards the pack house, I waited until he was inside with Andy before letting myself transform.

I took off in a run, shifting as I did, I called out to Elijah "How many of them are there?", *We've taken out half, be careful Rosie, they have weapons that would be toxic to your wolf*.

I stopped dead in my tracks, "Rosalie, I need you to retreat into my mind, as far as you can, Anna will help protect the both of us, but I don't want you to get hurt", with that I shifted back into human form and waited for her to retreat. Rosalie was far from happy with the situation, but I forced her to understand why it was necessary.

Anna let herself be known as my fangs grew and my appearance changed, I kicked off the heels that we had originally chose as our form and within seconds, I had joined the fight.

The humans were surrounding us still, only a handful of each pack were here as the rest were all over the country packing up their lives. I looked around the crowd of people to find Hunter, only to see him trying to fight off four men with silver stakes and knives.

They were prepared to fight a vampire.

Ripping one of the attackers off of him, I took them out by their legs and broke their neck as they fell to the ground, and then worked on getting the last three off of Hunter. He was now on the ground with a knife between his ribs, with a man on top of him beating him senseless. Knowing the danger my mate was in, Anna took over, completely ripping off the woman's head in front of her and removing the heart from the man that came towards us next.

The man that was beating Hunter half to death had seemed familiar at first, but once I had grabbed him, pulling him off of the unconscious body, I recognised him instantly. It was Michael's dad.

I smashed his head into the ground, effectively knocking him out, and turned my attentions to Hunter.

Everything was now quiet, the fight was over with a few casualties on our side, but thankfully no deaths, everyone had looked towards their fallen alpha and lowered their head, Elijah moved towards me, "Skylar, the knives were poisoned, they knew that we had lycan allies", placing his hand on my shoulder I looked up at him and sighed.

"This is going to take a lot out of me, the man that is unconscious, put him in a holding cell and alert Michael Rose, there is going to an investigation carried out on his father, I thought he ought to know".

Looking towards Hunter I gripped the knife and slowly removed it from it place between his ribs, "I am going to need someone to get us back to the pack house once I am done as well, find Max and Harry, let them know what has happened."

With a nod Elijah picked up the body and disappeared within seconds.

I closed my eyes placing both hands over the wound on Hunter's chest, there was no pain, as Hunter was unconscious so it made it easier for me to heal him, I could feel myself slipping away as Hunter began to stir, the wound closing but leaving a permanent scar.

It was removing the poison from his system that was more problematic, but as Hunter awoke and sat up, he proceeded to throw up the poison before closing his eyes and passing out.

It was as if knowing he was safe allowed my own body to shut down and within seconds, all I could see was black and everything faded.


I woke up to a room full of people, everyone was there. We were in the living quarters of the pack house, and near enough the entire pack was here, as were my parents, Max and Harry was sitting on the other side of the couch asleep, and only began to stir when I began to sit up.

The headache and overall ache in my body was trying to stop me from sitting up but once I was fully awake, I felt Rosalie resurface and my energy begin to increase.

"I feel like I've been hit by a truck", I complained as Harry and Max pulled me into a hug that began to restrict my breathing.

"Skylar, do you always have to get yourself into these situations", Max scolded me and I laughed. "Well it seems that I'm always getting myself into trouble nowadays".

I looked around hoping to see Hunter when Max pipes in, "Hunter is helping Elijah and Jason move the rest of the pack into the house, he woke up two days ago, but your core was too depleted, so it was just a waiting game to see when you'd wake up".

The vampires bow their heads as I stand, the werewolves and lycans follow suit and I bow mine in return.

"I would like to thank each and every one of you who was available to fight along side us in the previous battle. Seeing as you have all moved in to your rooms, today everyone will be receiving a tattoo that holds the mark of Blood Moon Creek, this will be a way of ensuring that you know exactly who is an ally on any occasion and this is being done as it will also ensure that everyone here is who they claim to be."

Seeing the looks of confusion forces me to elaborate further. "The reason that all who are supposed of being involved in witchcraft is under surveillance is due to a shape shifter within the territory, and although it is due to personal reasons that I want this done, I need to know that I can trust those I live with."

The pack muttered and spoke up with their understanding, once they were dismissed I was pulled into a hug by my parents before they left for a council meeting, and I was off to find Hunter.

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