Chapter 13 - Here Goes Nothing

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Another chapter as promised, Its short but its a filler until Thursdays chapter xx

Thankyou for readingx


About half an hour later we were outside a castle like mansion, I was shaking a lot and when Jayden told me to take his arm I'm pretty sure I was crushing it. "Hey its going to be fine, everyone will love you and if they don't they will have to answer to me" I couldn't help but laugh at what Jayden was rambling on about, but what he said did make me calm down and let Jays arm go.

I was a little more relaxed when Max and Jayden took my arm on either side. "Oh and Skylar there's one more thing", Max told me with regret in his voice, "All alphas and their families were invited, and they were also able to bring whoever they wanted", Oh no, "Just a heads up".

The man standing at the door bowed, I thought it was just for Max but all he said was, "Princess". I didn't know what to do until max said *tell him that he can stand*, through the mind link, I repeated what he said to the man and he stood up.

He then opened the doors and announced us, "Prince Max and Princess Skylar Shadows with their guest Jayden Brown". The next minute everyone was staring at us and I thought I was going to be sick, In the crowd I saw my parents, a few people from my old pack, a bunch of people who I didn't know and Lain, Why was he here?, I had no idea why he was here but I am going to find out.

Walking down the many stairs was hard because the nerves that I thought had gone were now back and pretty much telling me to fall over, I nearly did but the guys grip on me stopped me from pretty much plummeting to my death, I know that's exaggerating it but I know that if I fell down those stairs, It would feel like I was dying.

I kept looking around and saw Lain looking at me with eyes wide, I got to the bottom of the steps and breathed in slowly, My parents walked up to me, "Honey you look wonderful I never thought you would go for black but I'm glad you did, It looks amazing on you, Oh and its lovely to see you again Jayden", my mom said, I looked at Jay and he was standing frozen. I giggled and told mom about his whole fear of her and dad.

She apologized and dad asked to talk to me, "How are you, I know that this is a lot for you to take in, But your mother had her mind set no matter how many times I tried to talk her out of it", He looked worried and I smiled, "I would have liked a more subtle approach but it would have had to come out anyway, Better sooner than later right dad". He looked up when I said dad and smiled, I hugged him and after the shock he hugged back.

Wow, I've known him for like a month and I'm already a daddy's girl, I laughed and told him that id be back after I went to deal with a still frozen Jayden, When I got to him he looked relieved and we went to get some food, "I see you have replaced me with another brother, I knew it was too good to be true" he joked but I decided to play along, "Well it would have happened at sometime", We both looked at each other and laughed.

"You will always be my brother Jay Jay", I hugged him and and asked if he would like to put Dark Skies on the royal bill board, He had that devious smile he gets and he told me a song that we should sing, We told Max our plan and got him on board. We set up a camera to broadcast it on the web, We set up and got everything ready.

I got a guy to get a drum kit asap and it was here withing minutes, Me and Max had our matching guitars, His a dark blue and Mine a dark purple both had our names engraved on the neck, and we were ready for the song I wrote, (AN - You can find it on the side p.s she didn't really write it loll).

"Hey everyone, my names Skylar these guys are my 2 brothers, Max and Jayden, We all know that you guys have only just known me for like an hour but this was written by me a long time ago and these guys have helped me make it better , Well this pretty much was my past, Don't judge because it took me ages to write this, Anyway I hope you like it". 

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